*continual lust - te

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"Aaaaaand cut!" Yelled Matthew, your director. You blew out a puff of air and looked over to the man who constantly took your breath away. Taron Egerton. He looked your way and sent you a smirk and his signature wink. He and you shared a funny relationship, ever since the two of you were cast your roles on Kingsman, you both became drawn to one another. This led to constant sexts at night and booty calls at 3am. You were completely infatuated with this man and you craved for his touch all the time.

You loved the role you played in the movie. You were the 'sexy' receptionist who would still kick anyone's asses. You had a fight scene coming up which you were extremely excited for as your character was able to go and save the day with Merlin and Eggsy.

The room began to clear as the cast and crew filed out to the next location, leaving just yourself and Taron to be in the large room. Taron walked over to you, his eyes dropping from their usual happy and sparkling state to a dark shade, filled with lust.

"Jesus Christ, Y/N. You make it so hard for me to not kiss you in front of everyone." He said finally meeting you. He quickly looked around the room making sure it was clear before hoisting you up around his waist. A small gasp left your lips as he squeezed your ass, you quickly gripping his shoulders as he does so. You then clasped his face bringing him in for a heated kiss. You quickly slipped your tongue in his mouth and let your hands slide into the roots of his hair at the back of his neck, tugging at the strands roughly, making Taron let a low groan escape his lips. He began to suck at your lower lip and lightly bite it, causing you to let out a small whimper in response. The two of you suddenly heard footsteps coming towards one of the entrances and Taron quickly put you down, the two of you wiping your lips and smoothing out your hair and clothes. It was Matthew's personal assistant who rounded the corner and looked at the two of you.

"Hey, Y/N, Taron, we need you for the next scene. We have new costumes for you both to change into. You'll find then both in the costume room and labelled." She concluded as the two of you simply nodded. She began to walk off and as soon as her figure was out of sight, Taron slinked an arm around your waist and he buried his head in your neck, nibbling at it and sucking harshly, but not for long enough to leave a mark.

"So, darling, should we go get those costumes on?" He mumbled into your neck.

"Yeah." You breathe out, "Just so we can get these ones off." You finish, tugging at the hem of his shirt. You both begin to walk to where the outfits were kept, Taron constantly grabbing and squeezing your ass, making you smack his hands away. As soon as you reached the room, the two of you quickly entered, you closing the door behind you and locking it for good measure. You suddenly felt Taron's presence behind you as he lifted your hair from your neck and attached his lips to your sweet spot below your ear. You let out a quiet moan and faced him.

"So, Taron," you began as you slid your hands down his body, "do you want to help me get out of these clothes?" You asked seductively as he just nodded whilst biting his lip in anticipation. You began to unbutton his top and he pulled your top over your body. Your clothes began to slowly litter the floor of the small room and soon enough, the two of you stood naked in front of each other, chests heaving up and down as you both were filled with lust and adrenaline. You then jumped up to Taron, wrapping your legs around his waist, your wet pussy exposed against his cock. Taron began backing the two of you up against the door behind you and as your back collided with the cold wood, you let out a gasp. Taron began lining himself up with your entrance but before he slid himself in, he placed one of his hands over your mouth.

"I know how loud you can get, and we can't have anyone hearing now can we?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow and smirk, to which you shook your head. Taron slowly eased himself into your dripping core and you let out a muffled scream into his hands as your nails dug into his shoulders. Taron let out a grown and placed his head on your shoulder. He then began to slowly thrust his cock in and out of your pussy as he moaned lowly causing you to tilt you head backwards as you let out a small whimper through his hand. Taron's pace began to pick up and his thrusts grew harder as he roughly bottomed out each time. Taron slid his hand off your mouth to tightly grip your waist, trusting you to not let out a noise. His firm grip allowed him to fuck you harder, you back continually smacking into the door behind you. You screwed your eyes up in pleasure and bit your lip to help you stop letting out an inhumane grown. Instead you let out a high pitched whimper follows by a small moan of, "Taron."

"Yeah, baby. Who is the best fuck you've had?" He asked as he began to nibble on your earlobe.

"Y— you, Taron. You're the best fuck I've ever had." You answered truthfully, leaving Taron to let out a string of pants and moans as his head fell backwards in pleasure. You then began to add to that pleasure by moving your hips in a circular motion, making Tarons large cock hit that spot within you.

"Uh, fuck, Y/N. Just like that." Groaned Taron as he snapped his hips harder and further into your cunt. You couldn't help yourself as you let out an inhuman moan at his words, causing Taron's hand to fly to your mouth.

"What did I say, baby? You've got to be quiet." Taron's pace began to slow and instead of replying to him, you moved his hand to your neck.

"Choke me, Taron." You whimpered as Taron's eyes widened, his smirk becoming plastered on his face.

"Well, shit, babe, this is new. Hot as fuck but was not," he began, slowly sliding his hand around your neck and squeezing. "expecting. This." His grip tightened and your eyes fluttered shut as you let out a breathy moan. The pleasure you were feeling flowed through your whole body and your things began to shake signalling that you were close. The familiar knot tied in your stomach and you fluttered your eyes open, making eye contact with the man who was pushing you to the border of your orgasm.

"F— fuck, Taron. I'm so close." You whimpered out, letting a quiet moan follow.

"Do it, babe. Cum for me." His words sent you over the edge, your head spinning as you curled your toes, the walls of your tight pussy tightening around Taron's cock and your juices spilled freely around him. Taron's thrusts became sloppy and his cock inside of you twitched signalling that he was close.

"Fuck yeah, Y/N. I'm so close." He said as he snapped his up into once more before sliding out of your drenched pussy. He set you down and you got down on you knees, quickly grabbing his length in your hands pumping it a few times before wrapping your mouth around it, making him let out a loud moan to which you rolled you eyes, a small smirk falling on your lips even though they were wrapped tightly around his cock. You ignored the taste of your juices in your own mouth as you continued to blow Taron. You deep throated him a few times before he grabbed a fistful of your hair as he released his seed in your mouth. You swallowed with ease and stood up placing a kiss to his lips, which he turned into a heated kiss.

"That. Was. Fucking. Hot." Taron said in between kisses as you just smiled at him through the make out. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and Collin's voice sounded from the other side of the door, pulling the two of you apart.

"Uh, guys, now that your, um," he paused for a minute before proceeding, "fun time is over, we need you both for the next scene." He concluded before his footsteps signalled that he had left. Both you and Taron's cheeks lit up and you both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Well looks like our cover's blown." He said as he puffed out his cheeks and let out a puff of air.

"Nice pun idiot." You said walking over and playing a final kiss on his lips.

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