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"So we gonna start?" Tom looked at you with a smirk.

"Well, poker's usually played with more than two people so we'll have to adapt-" before you could finish he interrupted you,

"Strip poker" he corrected.

"Yes, honestly I'd rather not remember that I agreed to this."

"Why you afraid I'm gonna win?" Tom smirk firmly held on his lips.

"No, I'm not. Right so we'll play normal hands no betting, just whoever loses the hand has to take their clothes off." You gulped with your declaration. You could only hope that he'd either get bored or give up before you were completely naked in front of him.

"Here take this. You're gonna need it." Tom handed you a bottle of beer, his eyes dark with hunger. "Oh and one more thing. Winner'll pick the item of clothing that's taken off." You weren't sure what the hunger was for.

You took a big swig from the bottle Tom gave you and dealt two cards for each of you. An ace of spades and a three of clubs. You had a bad feeling and it only got worst after seeing a smirk even bigger than before on Tom's face.

"You know it's not too late to fold." Tom teased. You placed down the next three cards face up on the table in the space between the two of you. King, ace, three. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea afterwards. You placed down the next card. Queen. The last. Four. You were feeling a little more optimistic. Two of your cards were set down during the flop giving you two pairs. On three you and Tom turned you starting hands over. You mouth shot agape as you saw three of a kind. Turned out your luck was merely a blanket the fates placed over you, lulling you into a false sense of security.

"Hmm. I can't quite decide do we want to go slow or shall we speed things up?" The longer Tom contemplated, the more anxious you got.

"Take off your jeans." He eyed you up as you stood up and unbuttoned you skin tight jeans slipping them off leaving you to sit back down in your black lace panties. "Who knew you wore something like that. Didn't peg you as the type. Did you wear them especially for me."

"Keep dreaming." You snapped back dealing the cards once again.

After a couple hours of play and almost all your clothes discarded save for your Barlette (which was also black lace, which you also got teased for by Tom) and panties. Your underwear was comparable to lingerie, you chided yourself for wanting to spice things up a little tonight. You knew you were meeting Tom today, granted you had no idea it would end like this, but it seemed part of you wanted Tom to see you like this. No. You shook the thought from your head. That couldn't have been it. Right?

Your luck was beginning to rise again. The foul look on Tom's face confirmed everything. When you turned over your cards you were face to face with victory. Your full house against his two pairs. The tides had turned. As you ordered him to take his shirt off, you couldn't help but notice the bulge that was threatening to rip apart Tom's boxers.

"Let's change things up a little shall we?" Tom asked and you nodded your head. "Next person to lose has to complete a dare." Once again you nodded. You were on a roll nothing could stop you now.

Sadly, the round finished with a loss on your part. As you prepared for total humiliation, Tom was deciding what to make you do. He considered making you give him a blow job. Seeing you in your sexy lingerie made him think about how good his cock would look with your mouth around it. However, even in his drunk state, he wasn't an asshole. The more he thought, the more he started realising his attraction towards you. But no matter what his mind would always go back to daydreaming about how it would feel like to have your soft velvety lips on his.

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