not again -bs

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You didn't know what to do about the whole situation, you didn't know which one you wanted. Your boyfriend Tom made you so happy, he was one of the sweetest boys you had ever met, he was cute and funny and special to you, you'd known him all your life and experience everything with him but there was one problem, he wasn't Brad. He couldn't please you like Brad or satisfy your needs like Brad could.

You were lying in bed one night with Tom, he was fast asleep but you were wide awake, thinking of things you really shouldn't have been. Suddenly you heard a knocking at the door, you walked down the stairs and turned the key in the front door. You opened it to see the last person you were expecting. Brad.

You looked up, here he was, right in front of you. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black shirt that was half buttoned so you could see his toned slightly tanned skin in the light shining on him from the porch. He was wearing a black leather jacket to top the outfit off and his hair was perfectly quiffed with curls surrounding his face.

"I needed to see you" he slurred.

"You're drunk Brad" you replied, shaking your head.

"I needed to see you. I needed you" he slurred again.

"Brad you can't do this, you can't keep showing up every time you're drunk, especially not now, I'm with Tom, he's upstairs sleeping" you sighed.

This was an ongoing circle with Brad, he would always show up to you when he wanted something, but this time he seemed different, there was hurt in his eyes. It was hard to understand.

"What's he doing asleep, it's only 11pm?" Brad questioned, slightly shouting.

"Sssh Brad he will hear you, plus he's up for work, you know he works long days" you replied.

"Yeah I do know, I know a lot about him, what he doesn't know about me is that while he's out working these long days I'm fucking his pretty little girlfriend so hard the neighbours know what a little slut she is" he slurred even stronger.

You were horrified by what he said. You didn't understand him.

"I think you should go Brad, goodnight" you said, upset by what he said, upset with yourself for being such a cheat.

"No" he replied, grabbing the door before you could close it.

"What?" you asked stubbornly.

"I'm, I'm, I'm sorry" he stuttered, he sounded upset.

"No you're not Brad you always do this" you said back to him.

He took 2 steps closer to you and pulled you into a hug.

"You don't get it babe, do you?" He whispered into your ear.

"Not at all" you replied, leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"Let me show you then" he hissed.

He grabbed your face and kissed you so hard, the kiss was intense.

"Tom is upstairs Brad, he's asleep, we can't" you said to him.

"Let's just make this quick, get in the living room, now" he replied walking into your house and closing the front door.

He joined you in the living room, pushing you up against the wall unexpectedly and attacking your neck with his lips, sucking in little spots and whispering sweet things to your skin.

"I don't know what the fuck Tom is doing asleep when he was a girl like you to keep himself entertained with" he whispered then moved back up to your lips and kissed them.

His hands found your oversized tshirt that you slept in, he reached up and pulled it over your head as you pulled his jacket off his body and undone the couple of buttons on his shirt that he has actually buttoned up himself. You pulled it off his shoulders and dropped it to the floor then kissed his chest.

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