bandana - bs

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It was a Saturday night when my friend dragged me with her to the pub. Feeling awkward and out of place, I took a chance to observe my surroundings. A foggy haze of smoke lingered around the ceiling from the countless cigarettes, rows of pool tables lined up in front of the booth and poker tables at the far right corner. I was definitely out of place.

My eyes scanned the room in search of my friend who had now ditched me to run off with a boy. All of the pool tables were being used, but only one caught my interest. I watched as a boy around my age with curly dark hair being pushed out of his face with a bandana took a swig of his beer.

His body was toned and slightly covered in sweat from the humidity of the pub. I bit my lip as I watched his muscles when he grabbed the pool stick to take a shot. With a swift movement, the cue ball was able to rush two other balls into a corner pocket.

He celebrated by taking another swig of his beer to hide the smirk on his lips. It was as if he knew that he was going to make it in. He was confident that he could.

I observed the black V-neck shirt that stuck to his abdomen and toned arms and the multiple rings he had on each hand. He turned to his tall blonde friend and murmured something to him which made him let out a chuckle.

It was as if the world slowed down and the loud bass from the stereo clogged out as his brown eyes met mine. I saw him smirk and send a wink at my direction as he caught me staring. Snapping out of my daze I hung my head down and blushed as time began at it's normal pace once again.

I could feel eyes burning into my back as I searched for something else to catch my attention, but my thought were always being pulled back to the brown eyes I met with a while ago. I sauntered nervously to the restroom in order to compose myself trying to be as cautious as possible. Taking deep breaths as I watched myself in the mirror until I decided that it was time for me to go back.

I stepped outside and froze when I saw him leaning against the wall, bringing his beer to his lips. I contemplated running back to the restroom but decided against that as I averted my gaze down at the floor and nervously scampered past him.

"You gonna come over here and talk to me or are you gonna continue staring at me from afar?"

His voice was low and husky, he made me turn around from where I was standing, a couple feet away from him.

"Either that or you find pool tables much more attractive." He smirked and darted his eyes upwards in a mocking manner.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to be getting back to my friend" I said as I turned away from him flushed at his remarks.

"Friend? You were sitting all alone when I saw you."

"I guess I wasn't the only one staring, then?"

He let out a loud chuckle, "You got me there, sweetheart. But seeing as she probably ditched you for a shag, why don't you spend some time with me?"

"I barely even know you."

"Well that's what you're spending time with me for. You'll get to know me." He confidently took a few steps closer to me until I was backed against the wall parallel to the one he was leaning against moments ago.

"I-I can't... I can't just leave her here." As if on cue, my phone pinged from a message

'Hey! I'm going home with a guy tonight, will it be okay for you to find a ride home? I'm sorry! I'll make it up to you :)x'

Great. That's just great. So much for the buddy system. The boy trapping me against the wall seemed to sense my rush of anxiety as his eyes softened "What's wrong?"

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