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they've spent the majority of the day separate from one another. niall spent time with friends that were visiting from out of town. y/n spent hers catching up on some homework before going out to lunch with some classmates. a few texts had been sent back and forth between the two of them throughout the day, but they were quick little reminders to have fun and be safe.

it isn't as if they didn't miss each other terribly because they did. but, it isn't very often that niall gets to see his friends from back home and y/n can't exactly justify falling behind on her homework because of her boyfriend. besides, there was a comfort in knowing niall would be falling asleep next to her tonight. especially when they'd spent the last year of their relationship on the phone instead of in person. so, a few hours or days apart hardly mattered in the grand scheme of things.

when niall arrives at her place, it is just a quarter til eleven. two hours before she expected him, but a little higher than she thought he'd be. his eyes are half-lidded and he's a giddy when he lets himself into her apartment. his hair is fluffy and standing up in different directions as if he's run a hand through it a few too many times. and he's got a lazy smile on his features when he sees y/n laying across her cream colored sofa.

"baby," he says, dragging his feet toward y/n's position on the couch.

it's a pet name so rarely used between the two of them, but it's one that still gives y/n butterflies when he uses it. a shadow of the earlier days of their relationship when niall was testing out a few pet names for y/n. he gauged each of her reactions to find out which one she liked the most.

(after a few weeks, petal and love seemed to be the winners during their everyday interactions. her preferred names in the bedroom were just as sweet, at least most of the time).

"i'm so happy to be home." niall sighs as he sits down beside y/n.

he wastes little time in gathering her up in his lap which earns a squawk from y/n. she is all smiles as she shifts herself to sit more comfortably in his lap. her knees sit on either side of niall's hips, effectively caging him in. it's not as comfortable as sitting in the nest of niall's lap, but she's more preoccupied with seeing his face in full view. perhaps a little more interested in pressing over a dozen kisses to his face, too.

"m'happy you're home, too." she responds, pressing a kiss to his lips and then his nose. "missed you an awful lot today."

"I missed you." he echoes, his nose scrunching up with her kisses. "did you have fun today, though?"

"hm, yeah. we tried that new italian place that opened up a few weeks ago." she hums her response, finally leaning back to make eye contact with niall. "what about you?"

"lots of fun, yeah. might have smoked a bowl or two with the boys before i left to come here." he admits.

she rolls her eyes playfully at him, dropping her hands so her palms are pressed to his chest.

"really? i couldn't tell." her tone is playful and sarcastic which earns her a pinch to her side. "hey! s'not very nice!"

it was niall's turn to roll his eyes at her, although his hand is soothing over the spot where he had lightly pinched her. it's just the sliver of skin that peeks out between the bottom her shirt and the top her sweatpants. the touch sends a near imperceptible shiver down her spine.

"sorry, love." he says, his other hand coming to rest on her other hip.

they sit like that for a moment, recounting the better parts of their days. and it's all very innocent as they do. but, there is a subtle shift in the air when niall's thumbs rub harsh circles into the skin of her hips. it's nothing that really suggests that anything more than a few stolen kisses and a cuddle are on the menu. but, the slight change in niall's handling of her has y/n rocking her hips just a little.

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