making up -aha

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The night that you had been anticipating all week had finally come around. You and your boyfriend, Alex had planned a much-needed date night after the time spent apart with his acting and your own work schedule. This date night had been planned for nearly a month now. After a long and stressful week at work, you couldn't wait to relax and spend time with Alex.

You had already arranged the table ready and had just finished getting dressed. 'Alex should be arriving any minute now' you thought excitedly. You made your way to the couch and turned on the T.V. hoping it would make time at least go a little bit faster. An hour passed and Alex still hadn't shown up. You began to worry; he would have been here by now. You were putting away all the dinner you had made when finally, Alex walked through the door.

"Y/N? Are you there?" You heard him call from the hallway. Alex's footsteps echoed through the house, getting closer and closer to the kitchen.

"Well don't you look fancy! What's the occasion?" Alex asked with a smile.

You were shocked. How could he forget? After all the countless times you had reminded him, in the end he still forgot. This wasn't like him. Usually he would remember, he knew how much you wanted to spend time with him. After the rough week and time apart.

"The occasion Alex!? Are you kidding me right now? We were supposed to have a date night, we've been planning this for weeks now!" You exclaimed angrily, pointing to the calendar. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stay calm. You were furious.

Alex felt awful. He knew how excited you were for tonight; it was all you would talk about since planning the date. He truly hated himself for forgetting. You could see it on his face.

"Aw shit, Y/N I'm sorry! I wasn't watching the time, I was at the set babe." He explained. You looked at Alex. The sorry look upon his face. The worst thing was the regret that was in his eyes. It shattered your heart.

Usually, you would have been forgiving, but this time you felt the urge to stand up. You expected Alex to remember.

"Alex, honestly I can't believe you right now. How could you forget! How does someone even fucking forget something that's been discussed every. Single. Day?!" You shouted. You felt too angry. The idea of fighting felt so tiresome. All you wanted in that moment was to clear your mind. You grabbed your car keys and headed for the door.

"I'll be home later." You said.


A day passed since your little explosion. Including spending the night at your friends. With the events replaying in your mind. Filling you with regret, regretting walking out on Alex. Even having a go back and not just calming down. You shouldn't have yelled at Alex like that, is all you kept telling yourself. Things are always said in the midst of an argument.

You entered your apartment letting out a deep breath. Unsure of what would be there when you step through the threshold. You could hear the sound of Alex playing his guitar through the hallway. You softly closed the door not to startle him. Partially buying yourself some more time, to brace and prepare yourself for whatever may happen. You took your coat off and placed your keys back in the bowel sitting on the countertop. Listening to the melody filling your apartment.

You were fully aware of his tendency to play guitar as and when he felt frustrated or when too many things were going on. Often for a momentary escape. the argument must have hit him hard. So you put on the kettle and made a brew each with some biscuits. Nothing like a peace offering after all.

You slowly walked up the stairs with the tray of goodies. Making your way to the bedroom door, you took a deep breath. Before reaching out and knocking on the door first, letting him know you were about to walk in.

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