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Y/N shoves another tray of cakes into the oven, slamming the door shut once they were placed down with a loud huff. The noise she makes borders on a small growl and her very well-loved kitchen, shivers in response to the noise she makes. Sighing, Y/N turns away from the oven and bends over the kitchen counter, her head resting in her palms. These are not the sounds she usually uses in the kitchen, never banging and huffing around. The kitchen had always been Y/N's happy place, its somewhere she smiles without realising it, where she sways her hips along to Harry's music while foods sizzle in pans and delicious smells flood their home.

Today, Y/N is anything but happy. Today, Y/N's face is pinched up into a scowl rather than the smile she usually wears in the kitchen. No music plays in the background and even if it did Y/N was in absolutely no mood to dance around. Not a single word works its way past her lips.

She's wasting time, she knows she is- there's papers that she should be grading- her student do need them back after all- but instead, she's in the kitchen. Baking. Angrily. Any chance she had of focusing on her work was long gone though, it was the second they started fighting.

"Oh, I could kill him!" Y/N growls as she snatches up the mixing bowl she had just finished using, she looks down at the bowl, debating if she wants to clean them again. She shakes her head, deciding to get another set out of the cupboard by the sink. She has several sets for this exact purpose- well, not this purpose, - so that she can keep baking for special occasions like Christmases and their birthdays. Harry had always made sure she had loads of baking equipment that she could use.

Y/N drags another set of bowls out from the cupboard and places them on the side to start mixing up another batch of cake batter. This time she decides to use dark chocolate because she knows that Harry prefers milk. He'd always preferred milk over any other type of chocolate.

It's not very often that they fight, it's not, but when they do... they can be ridiculous, sometimes their fights only last hours, sometimes days. Y/N's not even sure where Harry is right now, she thinks he might be at the gym, or the studio. They're usually the places that he goes when he storms off, it's a way for clearing his head- like the kitchen usually is for Y/N.

When Y/N's phone vibrates on the other side of the kitchen counter, she snatches it up only to realise that it's a notification from her emails letting her know that one of her students had asked about one of their assignments. Not one single message from Harry, he's just being stubborn now, not texting her to even at least let her know where he is and when exactly he plans on coming home. To be fair, Y/N's being the exact same, she hasn't messaged Harry all day either, and she sure as hell isn't planning on being the one to cave first and message him. She throws her phone back down on the counter and moves back to the bowl of cookie batter, she picks up the bowl and starts pouring the batter into the cases, waiting to put them in the oven.

Y/N decides that since she's done everything else from scratch she might as well make the frosting for the cakes from scratch too, it'll take her longer, not that the actual frosting will take long to make, but it's more time that she doesn't have to think about the argument with Harry. The fact that it only takes her about 10 minutes to make the frosting, frustrates her to no end and she slams the spatula down on the counter. It's not really fair, her kitchen or the spatula hadn't done anything to her and here she was, taking her frustrations out on her kitchen.

She's in the middle of frosting the first batch of cakes when the front door opens. Y/N feels her spine stiffen and she turns her body just enough that she's can't see him coming down the hallway. She can tell that it's Harry, the sound of his keys hitting the glass bowl in the hallway and shoes coming off and hitting the floor sounds exactly how he usually does.

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