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'i have to do fucking what?!' you cried, desperately hoping you had misheard your agent, turning in horror to your boyfriend who looked just as shocked.

'well, it's a big part of the book, and they really want it to be in the movie. basically, they want it so bad that... they're willing to recast if either of you refuse to do it.' she said sympathetically. you swallowed, looking to your boyfriend at the left of you and squeezing his hand.

'right, okay.' you coughed. 'give me two days, i'll talk to him and tom and i'll get back to you with a decision.' leaving the room was a blur, and you could barely say goodbye to your agent as you left to the car with your similarly silent boyfriend. your agent had just informed you that you had to do a sex scene in your latest movie. that was fine with you and your boyfriend tom, as you were both professionals and could handle this. you were expecting it anyway; the movie you were starring in was the v girl, an adaptation of a favourite book of yours in which your character, lila, has a very important sex scene. what you weren't prepared for, however, was who was going to be playing your love interest, aleksey.

harry fucking holland.

you literally couldn't believe it. you knew harry had recently been cast in his first big film, but he was keeping it under wraps which film it was. you had done the same, planning on waiting until filming began before telling the world. you knew, however, that you, harry and tom needed to have this out. now. so, once you were both in the car, you turned to your boyfriend and opened your mouth to talk before he interrupted you.

'i think you should do it.' you raised your eyebrows at him, before he continued.

'you love this book, and you want to be in it so bad. besides, i mean, you won't actually be fucking. I've done sex scenes during our relationship and it's always been fine.' he shrugged.

'tom, i don't think you get it. the scene is full-frontal, it's a whole chapter in the book. i'm probably going to be naked, if not very close to, and theres going to be like... talk and position changes. it's a rough scene, there's a lot of throwing around and touching.' your nose wrinkled at your words. 'i might not be fucking him, but it's gonna be close to, and i don't want you to see me with your brother like that. hell, i don't know if i want him to see me like that, or vice versa.' before he could reply, your phone began to ring. the caller id showed that 'harry🤗🧡' was calling, and you took a deep breath before answering.

'y/n, what the fuck are we going to do?!' cried the frantic voice on the other end of the phone.

'your agent told you then?' you asked, glancing at tom who had hold of your hand and mouthed 'put him on speaker,' which you did.

'yeah, he told me. i've read the book, y/n. it's intense. you've been with tom for four years, you could get married to him and i don't want everyone knowing i've seen my sister-in-law fucking naked!' tom chuckled inaudibly, visibly amused by his brother's concerns.

'well, i mean, i could drop the film. it's cool.' you said, and tom looked at you with an open mouth and wide eyes, shaking his head.

'no, if anyone's gonna quit, i will. you love this book, and-' tom cuts him off.

'neither of you are fucking quitting. listen, i want you both to do the film. do the sex scene or whatever, you've known each other for years longer than i've been with y/n and neither of you deserve to miss out on this movie. i'm sure if i can cope with it, you both can as well. and anyway, if anyone had to fuck my girlfriend on camera, i'm glad it's you. at least i know you don't fancy her and you'll look after her.' you looked at your boyfriend, mouthing an 'i love you,' which he returned with a kiss to your knuckles.

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