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LEADER    Dawnstar - Golden brown and white tabby she-cat with green eyes

DEPUTY    Cinderflame - Dark gray she-cat with amber eyes

MEDICINE CATS    Pebblestep - Gray and white she-cat with blue eyes

                                      Honeyfrost - Golden and white she-cat with green eyes

WARRIORS (toms and she-cats without kits)

Icepetal- White she-cat with blue eyes

Snowtail- Fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes

Applespots- Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Dovepaw

Redclaw- Dark ginger tom with amber eyes

Adderstrike- Silver tom with lighter tabby markings and dark blue eyes

Fawnheart- Light brown she-cat with lighter spots on her flank and pale green eyes
Apprentice, Sedgepaw

Lionclaw- Golden tom with amber eyes and abnormally large claws

Goldenleaf- Golden she-cat with green eyes

Turtleblaze- Mottled brown tom with green eyes
Apprentice, Petalpaw

Yarrowtail- Fluffy, pale gray tom with pale green eyes

Heatherflight- Light brown she-cat with green eyes

Flamepetal- Ginger she-cat with green eyes

Brackenpelt- Dark ginger tom with amber eyes

Cloudspots- Fluffy gray and white tom with blue eyes
Apprentice, Burnpaw

Rosewind - Ginger she-cat with a white tipped tail and green eyes
Apprentice, Hollypaw

Briarrose - Small brown she-cat with amber eyes

Earthpelt- Brown she-cat with white chest and paws with green eyes

Mudfall- Dark gray tom with green eyes

Flashtail- White tom with green eyes

Falconheart- Golden Brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Larkthorn- Dark brown she-cat with green eyes

APPRENTICES (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

Dovepaw- Silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes (Icepool and Adderstrike's daughter)

Petalpaw- Silver she-cat with white tipped ears and blue eyes (Icepool and Adderstrike's daughter)

Sedgepaw- Fluffy gray she-cat with green eyes (Icepool and Adderstrike's daughter)

Hollypaw- Ginger she-cat with green eyes (Goldenleaf and Redclaw's daughter)

Burnpaw- Ginger tom with green eyes (Goldenleaf and Redclaw's son)

QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Squirreltail- Ginger she-cat with green eyes

Cherryleaf- Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes, nursing Cloudspots's kits (Snowkit, white she-cat, Windkit, gray she-cat and Bluekit, blue-gray she-cat)

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