Chapter 16

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"Are you sure insulting Riverstar like that was such a good idea?" Cinderflame questioned Dawnstar as they returned to camp. "She looked like she was ready to claw your ears right there."

"It need to be said." Dawnstar mewed, defending her actions. "She's acting like a reckless apprentice, someone had to call her out on her actions. I'm sick of Riverstar acting like she's ruler of the forest and that she's always right. That's exactly the kind of behavior that Thornstar showed as a ruler. How long before she's trying to steal territory or kits even."

"I suppose." Cinderflame twitched her tail, she was clearly uncertain of Dawnstar's actions and Falconheart was too. He felt that if a fight was possible before then it was guaranteed now.

"When you organize patrols I want extra prescanse around the AshClan border, we have to be prepared for an attack, because I know it's coming. If we're prepared then Riverstar can't take us by surprise."

"Yes, Dawnstar." Cinderflame dipped her head. "The last patrol of the day should be returning here soon, I will prepare tomorrow's patrols once they get back."

"Thank you, Cinderflame." Dawnstar then turned her attention to Flashtail and Falconheart who had spent the whole trip in silence. "I want to thank you two as well, for coming along as well as holding your tongues." Her green eyes rested on Falconheart. "Especially you, I know how badly you wanted to take a swipe at Riverstar." Falconheart flicked his ears, it was sometimes scary how well his mother knew him. "When you were an apprentice I have no doubt that you would have, you've really grown up." Dawnstar rested her tail on Falconheart's shoulders. "I'm proud of you Falconheart."

"Thank you." Falconheart felt genuinely warmed by his mother's words. I really have improved, haven't I?

"Dawnstar!" A panicked cry broke through the evening air. Dovepool suddenly burst through the camp entrance with Icepetal and the rest of the patrol trailing her. "AshClan is in our territory! They're heading towards the camp!"

Instantly alarmed, Dawnstar raced across the camp to the patrol. "How many? Are any of you hurt?" Her green eyes scanned the patrol in a panic. She's looking for my father. For a moment, Falconheart tensed up but he saw Lionclaw's golden pelt approach the last of the patrol.

"None of us are hurt, no." Lionclaw assured Dawnstar. "They didn't see us, and it's the whole Clan. This is a battle, we heard Riverstar talking about it."

"We need to meet them out there before they reach camp." Dawnstar raised her voice. "Attention SunClan!" The cats of SunClan stopped what they were doing and looked towards their leader. "AshClan is currently in our territory and heading towards our camp to fight. We need to meet them before they reach our camp." The Clan rose to their feet right away and began to swarm near the camp entrance. "I want Cloudspots, Redclaw, Burnpaw and Applespots to stay back and defend the camp in case any of them reach it. Protect the kits and the medicine cats."

Falconheart looked over his shoulder towards the medicine cat den where Pebblestep and Honeyfrost stood, looking shocked and horrified. "Let's move, SunClan! We don't have much time."

Falconheart broke his attention away from his sister and followed his mother out of camp and into the forest. Falconheart held his head high, bracing himself for this battle. It was eerily quiet and very unsettling. I've got a bad feeling. Falconheart thought to himself, but shook the thought away. Just focus on defending your Clan. That's the only thing that matters.

The scent of AshClan grew stronger not even halfway to the border, Falconheart's fur stood on end as he heard muffled voices in the distance. "Riverstar!" Dawnstar called out suddenly, her voice echoing through the trees. "I know you and your Clanmates are there! Show yourselves!" Through the undergrowth, AshClan cats appeared with Riverstar and Ashblaze at the lead. "So you couldn't wait for a battle?" Dawnstar snarled.

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