Chapter 27

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Falconheart set his fresh-kill on the pile, now hidden in a crack in the stone hollow wall to keep it dry. Rain continued to pelt the forest and soak the pelts of every creature living in the mountains. Feeling empty, Falconheart turned away from the pile and looked around his camp. Most of the Clan was hiding in dens or out hunting in the rain. He spotted Sedgefern having what seemed like a pleasant conversation with Rosewind and Flamepetal. The sight made Falconheart's heart twist, he had to force himself to look away.

He knew that Sedgefern and Rosewind were close friends, but he couldn't help but wish he was talking with her right now. They hadn't spoken since their argument several days ago, they had been assigned to patrols together but Sedgefern acted like Falconheart didn't exist. The pain of being ignored and hated by her had consumed his thoughts. He wanted to reach out to her, to apologize and tell her how he was feeling. He wanted to tell her everything, but he knew she would just end up hating him.

Falconheart flattened his ears and turned away. She's happier without me in her life, anyway. It's for the better. With a low sigh, Falconheart picked up a piece of fresh-kill to take to Cherryleaf. He didn't have much else to do so he figured he would visit his former mentor and her kits.

With the large squirrel in his jaws, Falconheart approached the nursery and poked his head inside. Cherryleaf was lying her nest watching her kits play with a small stick. "It's a snake!" Bluekit cried out, pouncing on the the stick. "I got it first!"

"You're not strong enough to kill a snake!" Windkit teased. "We have to kill it together." She announced, jumping on the stick along with her stick. Snowkit followed up on her sisters, sinking her teeth into the wet bark of the stick. Watching them reminded Falconheart of the games he used to play with Honeyfrost when they were kits.

Honeyfrost never wanted to fight, but she loved play catch. I guess I see why now. Falconheart felt guilt creeping up on him once more. I used to think it was annoying that Honeyfrost didn't want to play fight. He treated her poorly when they were kits, but now he would give anything to be a kit again. No battles, no Falconclaw, just him, Honeyfrost and their mother.

"Good morning, Falconheart." Cherryleaf purred once she saw him, getting his attention as well. "Is that for us?"

"Yeah." Falconheart mewed, nudging the squirrel towards the queen. Once the three kits noticed, they rushed over to the squirrel.

"Thank you, Falconheart!" Snowkit mewed loudly, her eyes shimmering as she started to nibble on the prey, her sisters doing the same. Cherryleaf watched them, purring loudly. As Falconheart watched her, he noticed the sheer amount of love in her green eyes. I wonder what it's like. Falconheart thought. Having kits to love. He was far too young to have kits, but he did think about from time to time.

Falconheart wasn't sure what else he could do in the nursery, Bluekit, Windkit, and Snowkit would eat quickly and then Cherryleaf would finish off what they didn't eat. After that the kits would probably sleep, he didn't think there was much use for him in there.

After saying goodbye to Cherryleaf and her kits, Falconheart left the nursery once again confused on what to do with himself. The rain fell steadily and all the patrols for the moment had been assigned. Letting out a quiet sigh, Falconheart sat outside the warriors den, waiting for some cat to need him.

Falconheart waited for a while, then he noticed two cats walking towards him with an aggressive purpose. Petalbreeze and Dovepool were marching towards him with anger deep in their blue eyes. This can't be good. Falconheart thought, ducking his head slightly. Ever since his and Sedgefern's argument, her sisters had been giving him toxic glares.

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