Chapter 5

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"It sounds really dry." Honeyfrost pointed out as she listened to Snakewhisker's cough. "Does it hurt?"

"Yeah," Snakewhisker replied, his voice hoarse and raspy. "I don't know why it suddenly got so bad." He flicked his tail.

"What other symptoms have you been having?" Pebblestep questioned, placing her forepaw on Snakewhisker's pelt. "You feel warm."

"I just kind of feel dizzy." Snakewhisker explained. "I feel hot all the time, and like my head is full of stones."

"It's not greencough." Pebblestep narrowed her eyes. "I'm not quite sure what this is." She sighed and turned away, looking in her herb store. "I'm going to ask the other medicine cats tonight if they have any clue what it may be, for now I want you to stay in the medicine cat den so we don't risk infecting any other cats. I don't know if it is dangerous or not, so I'm going to treat it like it is."

The gray and white medicine cat began making a nest for Snakewhisker. "Hope you like us cause you're stuck in here with us again."

"You two are alright." Snakewhisker teased and sat in his nest. "I don't mind staying in here for a little while more." He curled up in his nest. "I just want to feel better."

"So do I." Pebblestep said quietly from across the den. "Honeyfrost!" She called, and Honeyfrost quickly ran over to her mentor. "I want to give him some catmint as well as coltsfoot with some honey. I don't know if catmint will cure him, but we'll have to try. The coltsfoot should help his breathing and the honey will soothe his throat."

"Alright." Honeyfrost nodded and began quickly gathering the herbs that Pebblestep had requested. She brought them to Snakewhisker. "Here you go, hopefully this helps."

"I thought I got rid of this stupid cough when I got cured of greencough." Snakewhisker lashed his tail and quickly ate the herbs. "Though it doesn't feel like greencough."

"We'll figure out what it is, Snakewhisker." Honeyfrost promised. "You just focus on resting." She rested her tail on his shoulders and watched the gray tom fall asleep.

"What do you think he's sick with?" Honeyfrost approached Pebblestep. "He said it doesn't feel like greencough."

Pebblestep let out a hefty sigh. "I wish I had a clue, I've seen minor coughs, whitecough and green cough but nothing like this. Hopefully I'll find the answers I need tonight at the Spirit Garden." Pebblestep cleaned up her herbs and turned to Honeyfrost. "Until then could you gather some more coltsfoot? We're running low and I want to keep it handy for Snakewhisker."

"Of course." Honeyfrost dipped her head and left the medicine cat den. She already knew the best place to find coltsfoot, right beside the river near the MoonClan border. Honeyfrost padded across camp, but was stopped by Petalbreeze.

"Hey there, Honeyfrost. Where you off to?" The small she-cat questioned.

"Pebblestep wanted me to collect more coltsfoot." Honeyfrost explained. "You want to come with? I could use someone to talk to."

"I'd love to." Petalbreeze purred. "I don't really get to work with you that much anymore now that I'm warrior."

"What's that like for you so far?" Honeyfrost questioned as the two she-cats left the camp.

"It's amazing." Petalbreeze raved. "I love having freedoms now, I'm not trapped by apprentice duties. I'm allowed to come along with you for example, it feels wonderful."

Honeyfrost chuckled. "Well lucky you. I'll have a mentor for a very long time yet, but I don't mind. I still have freedoms to do what I want. I love serving Pebblestep."

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