Chapter 29

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Blackstorm, Stormheart and Riverstar returned to AshClan just as the sun began to set on the forest. Blackstorm's legs ached, the wound on his face faintly burned and he was just ready to close his eyes and leave his horrible day behind. Blackstorm hadn't eaten since earlier in the morning, but he wasn't hungry. He was sad, scared and annoyed, all he wanted to do was sleep.

Blackstorm had nearly reached the medicine cat den when Nightheart cut him off. Blackstorm flattened his ears and let out a groan. "Will you tell me exactly what happened now?" Nightheart questioned, her eyes fierce and annoyed. Blackstorm didn't have the patience to deal with his sister right now.

"Nightheart, I'm really not in the mood." Without saying anything else, Blackstorm shoved his way past Nightheart and into the medicine cat den. Skyfeather wasn't anywhere in sight, he had probably gone to collect the coltsfoot that Blackstorm had left out in the forest after running from his mother.

Much to Blackstorm's annoyance, Nightheart followed Blackstorm into the den. "What is your problem?" She demanded with a low growl in her voice. Blackstorm's tail twitched irritably, he refused to look at her.

"I was attacked by our mother and then had to walk all the way to and from SunClan. I'm tired and in pain, I want to sleep." Blackstorm hoped that Nightheart could see just how sick of her he was.

"We need to talk about her." Nightheart urged. "Our mother is back in the territories! She attacked you."

Blackstorm rolled his eyes. "I'm very aware of that."

"I'm just trying to look out for you!" Nightheart's voice was getting louder.

Blackstorm suddenly whirled on his sister, his black fur bristling along his spine. "I don't need you to look out for me." He growled. "I'm doing just fine, thanks."

Nightheart was getting visibly angry as well. "Oh, are you? I wasn't so sure." She lashed her tail. "Are you sure you're not too busy fawning after pretty SunClan she-cats?"

Blackstorm's eyes widened. She knows about Honeyfrost? Blackstorm felt anger raging inside him like a violent storm, his claws scraped against the stone floor of his den. "What do you know about Honeyfrost?"

"I know everything." Nightheart growled. "I know that you two have some kind of relationship going on even though you're both medicine cats."

"You know everything do you?" Blackstorm stepped closer to Nightheart, feeling his anger rage harder. "You don't know anything!" Nightheart flattened her ears. "Yeah, I snuck out at night to see Honeyfrost but guess what, we stopped. We stopped not because Pebblestep caught us, but because we both knew we had a responsibility to our Clans. A responsibility you couldn't possibly ever understand. You will never know what this is like, to have to turn your back on a cat you love because you're from two different Clans and followed a path that prevents you from falling in love.

"You get to have a mate, you get to have kits and none of you warriors ever stop to consider how hard it is to give that up!" Nightheart's eyes began to flood with guilt but Blackstorm didn't stop. "All that matters to you warriors is fighting! You mindlessly tear each other apart while demanding that your medicine cats work endlessly into the night to make sure that you don't die."

"Blackstorm I--"

Blackstorm didn't let her finish. "You act like you're so high and mighty, you constantly talk about how arrogant Falconheart is but you never once considered how arrogant you are." Nightheart lowered her head. "Talking constantly about how humble and noble you are is arrogance." Blackstorm felt relief, finally unleashing all of his anger onto Nightheart. "And don't you dare act like you're the perfect one of Echoheart's kits. She told me that you train with Thornstar."

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