Chapter 13

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Blackstorm watched Honeyfrost and Larkthorn disappear into the trees of SunClan territory. He felt incredibly sad for Honeyfrost, but also semi-relieved. The past few days Blackstorm had thought that Honeyfrost wanted nothing to do with him anymore or that she had gotten caught trying to sneak out.

As he thought about that he felt slightly guilty, he knew how much Honeyfrost cared about Snakewhisker. Blackstorm didn't know much about the former SunClan warrior but he knew that he was a well respected among all four Clans. He had nearly fallen to greencough on the journey to the mountains, but he had overcome it.

Blackstorm was excited about seeing Honeyfrost again tonight, however. He had been missing her more than anything lately. It had been hard to focus on his duties around camp even though he had been sleeping more.

Blackstorm decided he had been standing here long enough, Skyfeather would probably be expecting him back at camp soon. He lowered his head and picked up the bundle of chickweed that he had collected. Blackstorm began walking away from the SunClan border and back towards AshClan camp.

On his way he stopped to grab a bundle of juniper berries, wrapping them in a large ivy leaf to secure the berries. Blackstorm crossed the river after getting a quick drink and returned to camp just before the sun began to set.

Blackstorm stepped into the medicine cat den where Skyfeather was picking up some borage that he had set out to dry. "You were gone quite a while." Skyfeather pointed out, his tone had a slight edge to it.

"Sorry," Blackstorm replied, not looking at his mentor. Skyfeather had been acting weird the past few days and his temper had been short, Blackstorm wasn't sure what was causing it but he did his best to make sure he didn't upset him. "I ran into Honeyfrost by the border, she told me that Snakewhisker died to the sickness that he had."

"That's a shame." Skyfeather mewed, putting the boarage in their herb store. "Did she say anything about Ravenheart? He was sick as well."

Blackstorm shook his head, he hadn't thought about Ravenheart. He hoped that the MoonClan medicine cat was okay, for Oneflight's sake. "If I see Honeyfrost again before the gathering I'll ask her."

"You be sure to do that." Skyfeather pushed past Blackstorm and out of the medicine cat den, twitching his silver tabby tail. Blackstorm stared after his mentor in confusion. What was that about? Blackstorm wondered, narrowing his eyes. Does he know about Honeyfrost and I?

Blackstorm shook his head. Impossible. He turned his back on the entrance and let out a heavy sigh. I haven't even seen her the past few days. He must just be in a bad moon. Blackstorm tried to convince himself, but he still had anxiety biting at his skin. I'll be careful...just in case.

Blackstorm laid in his nest, watching Skyfeather. The tabby medicine cat was curled up in his nest, his back to Blackstorm. He kept watching Skyfeather, wanting to make sure that he was sound asleep before Blackstorm tried to leave. It was late, the Clan was quiet and sleeping with the exception of Dustfall who was sitting guard at the front of camp.

Skyfeather was still, the only movement he showed was the slow rise and fall of his chest as he slept. Blackstorm slowly stood up in his nest and snuck out of the medicine cat den. He looked over his shoulder and Skyfeather remained still and asleep.

Blackstorm looked at Dustfall, the young warrior was sitting at the camp entrance watching. He let out a yawn, but didn't look over his shoulder. Blackstorm crept along the back wall of camp, moved slowly and stayed low to the ground until he was safely away from AshClan camp.

Once Blackstorm was free from the camp he picked up the pace. The night was calm and cool and his heart was racing. For tonight at least, Blackstorm was an apprentice again. Running out of camp to meet with Honeyfrost, the only cat to make his heart pound in his chest. He couldn't wait to share the night with her again, nothing but the two of the under the stars.

Blackstorm stepped out of AshClan territory and into the neutral territory of the gathering hollow. He was nearly sprinting as he rushed up the hill and towards the hollow. The five trees appeared over the rise, and beside the large stone in the center sat Honeyfrost.

Blackstorm's heart began to race, and it wasn't from the running he had done. He quickly climbed down into the hollow and approached Honeyfrost. Her gaze was off in the distance, staring at something that only she could see. Her mind was cleary somewhere else. "Good evening." He mewed softly, getting her attention.

Honeyfrost broke her focus and turned to look at Blackstorm. "Oh, hi." She stood up. "It's nice to see you again."

"You too." Blackstorm stepped forward, touching his muzzle to hers, breathing in her sweet scent. "I missed seeing you every night."
"I missed seeing you too." Honeyfrost mewed, closing her eyes. "I'm sorry again, things have just been hard since Snakewhisker died."

"I told you," Blackstorm stepped back. "It's okay, I understand. We have Clan responsibilities to deal with as well." That sentence seemed to have upset Honeyfrost, she flattened her ears. "What's wrong?" He questioned with concern in his voice.

"It's just..." Honeyfrost turned away, sitting down and slumping her shoulders. "Everytime I think about my Clan responsibilities I feel guilty about when I come to see you, but when I don't see you then I feel guilty that I'm not seeing you." She flexed her claws, digging them into the soft soil. Blackstorm's heart twisted with anxiety. What's she going to say?

"What are you trying to say, Honeyfrost?" Blackstorm questioned, fearing the answer. What would he do if Honeyfrost said that she didn't want to see him anymore. "Do you--do you not want to see each other anymore?"

Honeyfrost shook her head slowly, Blackstorm didn't know what to think of it; he didn't know what to think of anything. "I'm not saying that." She spoke, her voice starting to fall to a whisper. "I'm just saying that I'm scared. I'm overwhelmed, and I'm struggling to find my place in this world." Honeyfrost turned away, looking up at the stars. "Over and over since I was an apprentice I've heard the words: follow your destiny, follow your heart." She turned around suddenly. "But which one is it? What is my destiny? What if my heart wants two different things?" Honeyfrost stopped herself, her body trembling slightly.

Blackstorm stared at her, he had been told the same things by Moonwhisker. Follow your destiny, and he never questioned it. He never questioned what his destiny was, he never focused on it. Honeyfrost, however, did not have that luxury. Her world was consumed by her so called "destiny".

Blackstorm took a step closer. "Honeyfrost, listen to me." She met his gaze, those beautiful green eyes were his biggest weakness in this world. "Don't listen to what those cats are telling you. Do you what makes you happy. Nothing else matters." He touched his nose to hers. "If being happy is being with me then I will be more than happy to meet you here every single until the day we die, but if being happy is you leaving me and..." His voice cracked slightly, he didn't want to say this; but he knew it would put her mind at ease. "If being happy is you leaving me and focusing on your Clan then I will let you do that, because seeing you happy is worth it, even if I have to watch from a distance."

Honeyfrost stepped back, her eyes filling with love and shock. "Blackstorm I-" Her voice trembled, and after a moment she jumped forward and fell against him. "Thank you so much, you don't know how much that means to me."

Blackstorm closed his eyes, keeping Honeyfrost as close as he possibly could. He longed to speak, to tell her what had been on his mind since the moment he first saw Honeyfrost, but he just couldn't bring himself to say those words. I love you, Honeyfrost.

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