Chapter 9

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"What do you mean he's missing?" Pebblestep demand. "He's a sick cat, where did he go?"

"I went to watch him after I got back from the dirtplace but he was gone! He couldn't have been missing very long, I checked him just before that." Adderstrike explained, his voice trembled.

"Honeyfrost." Pebblestep spoke sharply. "Track Snakewhisker down, I can't do it so you have to, and Adderstrike I need you with me to keep Dovepool calm while I treat her, okay?" Adderstrike nodded, but Honeyfrost hesisted. What if I find him and he's... "Go, Honeyfrost! He couldn't have gone far, take the herb with you."

At her mentor's command, Honeyfrost shoved her fears away and sniffed the air, beginning to search for Snakewhisker. Why would he leave? Honeyfrost wondered. He's completely delirious, I have to find him! Honeyfrost caught the scent of sickness and herbs, it had to be him! She quickly began following the trail, he was sick so he couldn't have made too much ground.

The trail led Honeyfrost out the backside of camp, and she suddenly realized where he was going. She quickly began sprinting away from camp, behind SunClan camp was a large hill, when she sat there she often felt closer to the stars and she had told Snakewhisker about it as well. He's dying...he wants to be close to the stars.

Honeyfrost ran as fast as she possibly could, her body sore and her lungs aching, but she refused to give up. I have to find him before he dies! Honeyfrost reached the hill and climbed it, just as she predicted, Snakewhisker was lying down at the top.

"Snakewhisker!" She cried and the tom stirred. I'm not too late! Honeyfrost reached his side, his eyes were opened and staring at the stars. The beautiful sky reflected in his green eyes. "I'm so glad I found you, we found the herb!"

She put it on the ground to begin treating him, but Snakewhisker put his paw on hers, stopping her. Honeyfrost looked up, her heart breaking. "What are you doing? Let me help you." Her voice cracked.

"No, Honeyfrost." Snakewhisker mewed. "I feel it," He closed his eyes. "I feel Stormwind calling me."

"No!" Honeyfrost ripped her paw away from his. "You're delusional, you need to be treated!"

"My head has never been more clear." He spoke, looking back up at the stars. "I've felt this for a while, and I'm ready."

"No, you're not ready." Honeyfrost's body began to tremble. "I-I can still save you!" Suddenly she was back in the medicine cat as an apprentice, treating Snakewhisker's leg. "I can save you." Her voice faltered. "I can..."

"No," Snakewhisker lowered his head, looking at her. His eyes were bright, and full of love and hope. "It's too late for me." His voice was so quiet, so dry. "And I've accepted that. For so long, I was so scared of dying but...I know that I'm ready to see my beloved again, to see my daughter." He closed his eyes again. "I've done what I can for SunClan."

"We need you!" Honeyfrost cried, her body shaking. "I need you! You helped me with Falconheart, you helped me when Bramblepelt died! I need you!" Honeyfrost's legs collapsed, and she fell against Snakewhisker who began to slowly purr.

"You haven't needed me for a long time, Honeyfrost." Snakewhisker's voice filled her mind. "You've grown up into an amazing medicine cat. I gave you advice but you followed your own path. You are Honeyfrost, SunClan's amazing medicine cat. You're not my kin, but I am so, so proud of you."

"What about Adderstrike? He needs you...we all do."

"Adderstrike is grown up, he has kits of his own who will soon have their own kits. My time in SunClan is over, I'm leaving behind some amazing cats, SunClan will go on without me."

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