Chapter 1

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"Keep your mind focused, Sedgepaw." Falconheart instructed the apprentice, she sat with her head held high and her green eyes shimmering with pride and determination. "You can do this." He urged her.

"Thanks for doing my assessment with me." Sedgepaw purred. "I'm glad I have you and not Mudfall."

"I can hear you, you know." Mudfall grumbled a few taillengths away as he sat with Dovepaw who snickered at the conversation. "Believe it or not, Falconheart isn't the greatest warrior in the forest."

"Don't tell Sedgepaw that." Dovepaw teased. She and Petalpaw laughed together while Sedgepaw looked away bashfully, licking her chest fur. Falconheart suddenly felt awkward, what were Dovepaw and Petalpaw talking about?

"Let's get this assessment started, shall we?" Fawnheart mewed. "This is the first assessment in our new territory and I want it to go well."

"I want Falconheart and Sedgepaw to go near the AshClan border," Turtleblaze began, looking around the territory. "Dovepaw and Mudfall can go near the MoonClan border and Earthpelt and Petalpaw can go hunt near the gathering hollow border. Catch as much prey as you can and remember that we will be watching you at all times."

Falconheart was particularly excited, he missed out on his warrior assessment and wanted to prove himself. He also was excited to help out Sedgepaw pass hers. Even in the two moons that they had lived in the mountains, Sedgepaw had matured into a powerful, brave and dedicated she-cat.

"Let's get going." Falconheart nudged Sedgepaw slightly and the two of them headed towards the AshClan border. Falconheart kept his nose in the air, ready to scent any prey. Now that it was newleaf the forest was overflowing with prey, Falconheart had spent so long living in the old, dying forest and then travelling through leaf-bare that he had forgotten what it was like to have a full belly.

Sedgepaw suddenly stopped Falconheart, her nose twitching and her eyes on high alert. "I smell squirrel." The fluffy apprentice dropped into a crouch and began tracking down the squirrel. Falconheart dropped down as well, catching the squirrel she had scented as well. Falconheart watched Sedgepaw stalk through the trees. He noticed how graceful and steady her pose was. She really is talented. Falconheart watched her closely as she approached the red-furred creature.

With a swift and graceful pounce, Sedgepaw leapt forward and caught the squirrel with a clean bite to the neck. "Great catch." Falconheart purred as Sedgepaw turned around with prideful green eyes. "Let's bury it and continue."

Falconheart and Sedgepaw continued on their hunt until Falconheart caught the scent of a mouse. He alerted Sedgepaw silently with his tail and got the she-cat's attention. She dropped into a crouch, hiding in the undergrowth. Falconheart spotted a fat mouse nibbling on seeds at the base of a tall oak tree.

Falconheart positioned himself on the other side of the mouse so he could send it running towards Sedgepaw when he went after it. He locked eyes with Sedgepaw and gave her a slight nod. Sedgepaw readied herself and Falconheart shot forward. The mouse was clearly alerted and ran forwards, straight into Sedgepaw's claws.

"Nice job." Falconheart praised and trotted over to her.

"You too." Sedgepaw's eyes glowed. She looked around. "We've barely started and we've already got two pieces of prey. We'll leave Dovepaw and Petalpaw in the dust!" Falconheart chuckled, she shared his sense of competition.

Falconheart and Sedgepaw continued hunting, covering as much ground as possible together. They manage to catch two more squirrels, three mice and a bird. Falconheart and Sedgepaw held their heads high as they rounded up their prey to bring back to Turtleblaze, Fawnheart and Applespots.

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