Chapter 11

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Nightheart opened her eyes and for the first time in several days, she found herself in the Dark Forest. Is it finally time? Nightheart questioned, feeling the fur along her spine rise. Was today the day she would face off against Falconheart? Was she ready? Nightheart shook her head, flexing her claws. Of course I am. I can easily win against Falconheart. She told herself, knowing that she could win against the SunClan warrior.

Nightheart waited for Thornstar, assuming that he would be there to find her instead of Falconclaw. She didn't like Falconclaw, he was intimidating and looked dangerous. She also hated that Thornstar, Falconclaw and Falconheart were all related. She had no idea why she had been included in this family gathering. The only connection I have to Thornstar is that my mother had a crush on him. She thought bitterly, twitching her tail tip.

Nightheart heard pawsteps in the shadows and braced herself to face either Thornstar or Falconclaw. She was a little thankful when Thornstar stepped out of the darkness. "Are you ready, Nightheart? Today is the day you prove yourself against Falconheart.

Nightheart just nodded, she didn't really want to fight Falconheart. She had no reason too, she supposed it was "training" but she couldn't help but feel that Falconclaw and Thornstar had some kind of darker plot. If Thornstar and Falconclaw both live here, what kind of cat is Falconclaw? She had never heard of the cat, and she didn't really care to learn about his past.

She had learned a few things about him from the last time they met. Falconclaw was Thornstar's uncle and was his mentor when Thornstar was an apprentice but that was all Falconclaw had disclosed. "Let's go." Thornstar mewed and guided Nightheart through the forest.

It wasn't a very long walk until they spotted Falconclaw and Falconheart sitting in the clearing. "Ah, welcome you two!" Falconclaw stood up and greeted Thornstar and Nightheart. "I've been waiting for this night for a long time." Oh, I'm sure you have. Nightheart narrowed her eyes.

She glanced at Falconheart but couldn't read any emotion on his face other than a faint determination. "Let's not waste any time." Thornstar mewed. "We don't have all night." Nightheart took a deep breath and padded into the center of the clearing, as did Falconheart.

Nightheart faced Falconheart, his claws glinting in the dull moonlight. Nightheart took a deep breath, suddenly aware of her racing heartbeat. Why am I so scared? She clenched her jaw, she couldn't shake the fear that was biting at her skin. I've seen Falconheart fight, he's strong. He's powerful. He's dangerous. Nightheart met Falconheart's gaze, his deep amber eyes were determined and focused.

Don't let him get to you. Nightheart reminded herself. If I do that...he wins. Nightheart cast a quick glance towards Falconclaw and Thornstar. The two warriors sat side by side, looking at the two cats, just...waiting. Nightheart was waiting for them to give the signal to go, that's what Thornstar said they would do.

Nightheart heard movement across from her, she snapped her head towards Falconheart and saw the SunClan warrior charging towards her. Nightheart didn't even have a chance to react, Falconheart tackled her to the ground and dug his claws into her pelt. She felt their painfully sharp tips pierce her skin, ripping through her body and drawing blood.

Nightheart let out a hiss of pain, and forced herself to react and fight back. With her claws drawn, Nightheart twisted out of Falconheart's painful grasp and sank her teeth into his foreleg. She tasted his blood as it touched her tongue, she only bit down harder.

Falconheart pushed his hindpaw into Nightheart's lower belly, the pain was intense but Nightheart didn't let go. She gripped her paws on either side of Falconheart and raked her claws down his side. Falconheart yowled in pain, but he still kept Nightheart pinned to the forest floor.

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