(2) Anything for you.

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Schools over and Tori and I have got sports now. We're by our cars fetching our kit bags.

"Hows Lucca?" Tori asks breaking the silence.

Lucca Larsson.

He goes to another school in the North. We're not dating or anything but I'd grab the opportunity with both hands although I'd never let him know that.

More social cred. Smart Avia.

"Lucca's...Lucca I guess" I reply which only make her laugh. I have my Nike duffle bag and Tori has hers and we get on our way to go change.

10 minutes later I'm done. We don't really wear our soccer kits to practice. I've got on Black shorts with a black Adidas top and matching black socks and my pink soccer boots. "Bye Tori" I say as I leave my bag down by the lockers and make my way to the field.

We're playing a match against the boys today.

Fun but also very tiring.

Our coach says it's something about picking up the intensity of the match.

Coach is calling names and positions.

~2 years ago

I was sitting on bench. I started because I think it's fun and it is and I don't mind sitting on the bench because I'm still learning.

Jade Ross and a few of my other friends come to watch. Jade wasn't initially part of our circle. One day I posted a screenshot of a certain chat on my story captioning it with laughing emoji of our group chat and she randomly said add me and I did. No one had a problem.

Jade is pretty rich, she's kinda pretty, she a bit buff but still has a girly body wise. She teases people quiet often so if she makes a comment about a persons messy hair it's really just whatever. I think that's how she hides her own insecurities.

"Aye Avia are you ever not on bench" says Jade. "The whole season you've only played 3 matches" she continues. "I don't mind I guess I'm still learning"I say. "The fact that you on bench at practice is sad"she says. "Lol okay" I say but can't help think why is she saying this.

"They should start getting more player in teams just to have committed bench warmer like you"she says. The maybe 4 people around us are laughing now.
Shannon says"there's a difference between being patient and wasting your time" "did you guys come all the way here to roast me" I ask "not really, you know I'm joking Avia, I love you" she says hugging me. Bitch get tf of me right now.

"Aye Avia you bought those soccer boots for nothing"says Jade. I won't lie that one hurt really bad. Now they're all laughing when I suddenly hear coach calling me before I can say anything back.

He places me as centre back. I played 50 minutes. I won't lie what jade said hurt me. I wasn't going to show her that she hurt me. I know I'm stronger than this. My eyes started to sting and I could feel the pain in my heart. It felt as though it was sinking.

I walked on my own to get my bags. I made a vow to myself that day to make her swallow her words

~End of flashback

"Avia!" Coach Kruger yells. "I've been calling you, get on the field your midfielder"she says. I quickly run into place.

On the guys team it's Brad as midfielder. He's the male star soccer player throughout the school. Then there's me. Im not really that much compare to him because he's faster but I'm the top and so is he.

We're 50 minutes into practice still playing. It's been 5 minutes and the ball hasn't gotten anywhere. Brad and I just keep dribbling each other until we both fall over our own feet then the whistle blows.

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