(35) Well done.

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"Im against having emotions but
not against using them"

I get up to the last flight of stairs. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't out of breathe.

I turn the corner but instantly go back when I see some guy standing in front of the door.

I hope he didn't see me.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

I pull out a 9mm Heckler and get ready to shoot.

He comes into view and I kick the gun out his hands. He turns his head to my direction.

He looks down to pull out another gun from his belt but I kick him in the nose.

He almost falls over but doesn't and instead tackles me and my gun also falls to the ground.

We both fall to the ground and I swear all the air has been knocked out of my lungs.

He stays on top of me and throws punches. I'm moving my head left and right missing the first few but I slow down and I instantly regret it.

He throws a punch on the left side of my face. The world goes dizzy for a second. My face feels like it's been set alight by Satan himself.

Fuck this hurts.

He's about to throw another one but I block it with my right arm. I do a crunch and then take my elbow hitting him in the side of the neck.

While he's busy groaning I use that as a opportunity to get up from underneath him.

Once I'm in my feet I go and pick up my gun. Before I get to my gun he grabs me from the back and puts me in a neck lock.

I try kicking and squirming but his grip is too tight.

You're better than this.

My throat starts to burn and so do my lungs due to the lack of airflow.

I put both feet on the ground standing firmly. I start to get in a squat position and balance his weight on my back.




With all the will power left in me I flip him over. He lets out a loud groan as his back and head followed by the rest of his body crashes to the ground.

I pick my gun up from the ground and walk towards the guy lying on the floor.

"It's a pity, you're kind of cute" I say before bending down and hitting the gun against his head.

He'll be fine.

I take the keys he has hanging from his belt and walk towards the door Lucca is behind.

I hope these are the right keys.

I put the keys in the keyhole and turn the lock. It's works. I push the door handle down and walk slowly inside the room.

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