(30) Not my scene.

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"Truth is a battle of perceptions"

"How long have you been there?" Kendall asks.

"You could say the whole time" she says coldly.

"Avia please wait I can explain." I say walking towards her.

"No need to explain. I heard and saw it all" she sneers as she walks down the hall.

I leave the room and chase after her. "Please just let me explain." I plead.

"Explain what Lucca! You can't make up your fucking mind." she yells.

She runs down the stairs and just like that disappears into the crowd of people.

I get out the front door and I can't see her. She's gone completely.

There's guys passed out on the lawn. A few people talking and smoking but no sign of Avia.

I go back inside and continue to look for her.

Avia's POV

I walk towards the bar and grab a seat.

"A double shot vodka please" I say to the bartender.

He nods and prepares my drink.

"Rough night" Nicholas says as he grabs a seat next to me.

"Something like that" I shrug.

"I know you know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I knew how Tori was from the beginning but I didn't have the heart to tell you. I'm sorry Avia" he says.

I look up to meet his eyes. "It's okay, it's honestly whatever" I shrug.

"What I don't understand is why would she do that. You two haven't really fought yet here she is backstabbing you" he says kind of frustrated.

"Why would she do this to you?" he adds.

"I've been asking myself that question for a while" I say downing my shot.

"See you around" I say giving him a small smile before walking off.

I head outside and and call an uber. Within a few minutes it's here and a while later I'm back at the hotel.

"Back so early" the guy at the reception desk asks as I walk in.

"I guess so" I say.

"Why if you don't mind me asking"

"It was good at first, it just turned out to not be my scene" I examined briefly.

"My apologies for asking. Enjoy the rest of your evening" he says giving me a soft smile.

"You too" I say as I walk to the elevators.

I get back to the suite and pour myself a glass of gin before I go sit on the balcony outside our room.

Why me?

I get up to grab a pen and couple pieces of paper and come back.

I look down at the pen and paper in my hand and the thought of this alone just breaks my heart.

Where do I even start.


I wake up and my heads pounding. I look and there's some pain killer and a glass of water on the nightstand with a note.

Take these when you wake up.

I take the pain killers and swallow them down with water.

I wish I had some pain killers for the pain I have in my heart right now.

Get the fuck over yourself Avia.

I check my phone and it's 07:13.

I get out of bed and take a quick shower. I change into sweats. I look in the mirror and I look like a mess. I let out a sigh and leave the hotel to go fetch Tori.

The uber arrives in front of the mansion and sight is quite funny because it's so cliché.

Red cups scattered everywhere and some people sleeping in the yard. I walk inside and it's still as cliche.

I walk to the third floor and when I get to the rookie I left Tori in and let out a sigh.

The events that happens here last night.

I get inside and there she is sleeping like a baby.

"Hey wake up, we've got to go" I say waking her.

She takes off the covers and has a quick stretch and yawn.

We make our way downstairs and before I walk I the front door I nod my head in thanks to security guard who let Tori sleep up there.

He nods back and we leave just like that. We get into the uber and head back to the hotel.

"You're a great friend Verdasco"

"Best friend" I correct her.

Realization hits me as a say that and I feel my mood change from there on.

It is what it is.

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