(32) Without you.

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"The axe forget but the tree

Lucca and I first pass by the suite. We get there but the rooms empty.

I check my phone and I'm shook. Victoria is blowing up on social media. The pictures of her have leaked.

Must have been whoever stole my iPad.

I now of feel bad for what I want to do now.

No Avia you've waited long enough.

You can do this Avia.

You can do this.

I use this opportunity to leave my letter on Victoria's bed. I pack my bags and move them to the other side of the room. Lucca agreed to switch beds with me.

I should be switching rooms but oh well.

I look at the letter on the bed and decide to reread it one last time. I had to rewrite this so many times my hand started to ache.

I scan my eyes over it but the last part of my letter is what should really hurt. My legs and fingers start trembling as I read the words I wrote.

You've got this Avia.

"I'm not sure if you'll ever come back or how I'll feel if you do but I am sure that I can't wait anymore

You are my ghost story Tori. You are the amazing spirit that blew into my life turned everything upside down and vanished into the night

Being with you made me a better person and for that I'll always be thankful but now it's time for me to figure out who I am without you."

Love Avia

I fold the letter and put it back into the envelope on her bed then leave the room.

I get to the lobby and there's still a few people missing. Well we've got to leave in 8 minutes so they better hurry.

I look around and see David staring at me with a grin.

What the fuck.

He looks away and so do I.


Once the teachers take register we get onto the buses and make our way to one of the best race tracks in the world.


We get to go Tracks and it's beautiful. "I doing think I've ever seen you look at anything like that, except yourself of course" crystal says. Everyone laughs at the last part.

"Hahaha but on a serious note, this is a dream come true" I say not taking my eyes of the view.

Avia you're the best Bucket list completer.

"Yes, yes I am" I whisper to myself.

The bus parks and we all get out and get into the entrance to meet our tour guides.

We take 15 to get through the gates because there's a lot of us and we have to get a wristband thingy.

I never knew what you call it. All I know it that you get it at concert and other events.

Once we get in I take out my phone and start snap chatting everything. I use Snapchat to take and edit the picture then I post that picture on my Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp story.

I post on my WhatsApp story everyday. My Instagram when I feel like it which is more than twice a week but no more that five times and my Snapchat story I post once in a blue moon.

I just have it for the snap-score.

"I already know you're going to document the whole day" Tori says with a false sigh. We all laugh. "You know me so well" I say with a smile.

I'd be lying if I said this place wasn't breathtaking. It wasn't just a road cars raced on but since the entrance is on higher ground you can see most things.

There's two buildings where the paper work and other stuff is done. There's a commentators tower. There's a track that is so long you can't see the end of it from where I'm standing. The pavilion and stands stretch along with the track.

There's a whole row of garages on the one side. Pit stops and many other things.

"I think I'm in love" I slur. My friends around me let of a light laugh.

They divide us into groups of 20. There's 3 groups in total.

The group I'm in has Shannon, Jade, Camilla, Brad, Kyle, a few people from my school and two people I don't know.

"Okay ladies and gentleman. I am Louis and today I'll be your guide around the tracks" a young, kind of cute guy says.

We give him a light cheer.

"Okay so first thing we'll have a race. Elect 3 people from the group and they'll race around the track and the winner gets a prize."

We look all look around looking back I and forth at each other.

Please pick me. Please. Please. Please.

"I say Brad and Avia. They are the best drivers here" Kyle says. A lot of yeahs come from the group.

"Who will the third person be" Louis asks.

"Can it be me?" Jade asks.

"Yeah" a couple people from the group say.

"Okay you three out these suits and helmets on them we will be ready to go." Louis says handing each of us a really amazing racers suit.

"Kyle here's my phone. Your'e the assigned photographer" I say with a smirk.

"I'm not surprised" he grins taking my phone.

Once we're changed Louis leads us to the garage and give us each a key. "I hope you can drive otherwise this will be an interesting race." he says sarcastically.

Me and a few others throw our heads back in gifs of laughter.

I get in my car and it's the most amazing thing ever. I feel like an actual Formula 1 racer. It's like a dream come true.

We drive the cars to the tracks slowly while the group follows us.

The three of us park the cars in a straight line at the starting line then get out so Louis can explain more.

After he explains the rules we get back in the car and he waves a black and white squared flag.

I feel like this is a movie.

"On your marks"

"Get set"


And like that we all speed off.

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