(26) Not for me but for yourself.

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"We all have secrets we keep from the world. The most dangerous secrets a person can bury...are the ones we keep from ourselves"

It's almost 8 pm. We all just came back from having dinner which was really good.

Right now Tori and I are just sitting in our room on our phones.

"I have said this before and I'll say it again. That kiss between you two after already killing it dancing was the highlight of my day" Tori says looking up at me. I giggle a little.

"Uhm Okay" I say awkwardly.

The door opens and Lucca and Gale walks in. "Mind if I steal her" he says look up to Tori.

"Don't mind if you do" she says wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I get up off the bed and follow him out the door. We go down the elevators and out the hotel. We end up sitting down at a really cute coffee shop.

"Why this random trip" I ask after taking a sip of my ice coffee.

"Just felt like we need some time apart from everyone else" he says shrugging.

"You're so cute you know" I say smiling

Lucca looks up with a small smile.

"I hope that's a compliment, I try I guess" he says.

"So tell me Avia how's things going in your life at the moment. Tell me about Amigo, when last you had your favorite drink from Starbucks and Victoria or any of your other friends. I'm all ears" he says smiling at me.


Damn I haven't really thought about that.

"Avia" says snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look up to meet his gaze.

"What's wrong mon amour" he says holding my hands.

"Well the other day, before we came here and all. I was hanging around with Tori and somewhere during that she left to get pizza and her laptop was in view and I saw things on there" I say.

"She's more like David's best friend than mine. She's not even my best friend. She denies we're good friends behind my back, her and Camilla are one person to my face but another behind my back." I add shrugging.

"I went through her files and came across an untitled  folder. She's sleeping with her Physics teacher. I even took photos of the photos." I say softly.

Lucca looks a little mad but he can't even hide how shook he is

"Avia how does it all make you feel" he asks.

"I was hurt and still am but time heals, right" I say giving him a small smile.

"We've all been two faced before in our lives but I'm sure Avia and Camilla don't mean it. She's my best friend after all." I continue.

Lucca shakes his head.

"It honestly sounds like you're trying to convince  yourself more than me" he says flatly.

"Well what else can I do" I snap back.

"Leave then Avia. They're no good for you. I could see from the day I met that girl she's fake. I didn't want to ruin a friendship with my two cents but now you know for yourself she is fake and you're honestly trying to look for reasons to keep her close" he says raising his voice a little.

"I don't want to start over. If I could manage 4 years I'm sure I can get through the rest of this year. Who else will I run to cause everyone else kind of hates me for what I don't know and maybe if I just wait around they might eventually change. Show me they're good side and start to be genuine with me you know." I explain.

"Avia sometimes waiting around isn't an option. You're just proving to her more and more you're vulnerable and naive. She's moved on long ago. She's made a choice to be with David instead of you. I need you to realize this isn't good for your mental health. You've been through a lot and you don't need any of this." He explains to me.

"You need to move on Avia, not for me or anyone else but for yourself." He says softly.

I honestly do.

I nod my head and give him a shrug.

"I guess so" i mumble.

"Avia i also have to tell you something." He says.


"I told you that you deserve better. I mean it, including with me. I want you to know you deserve the world and that from now on I'm willing to give it to you. Things between us have been angsty but ion all honestly I'm so attracted to you. Your strength, your beauty and your really kick-ass personality. I'll sort out the Kendall arrangement and whatever else you want me to change." He confesses. 

My hearts fluttering and I stare at him dumb-founded. 

I never thought I was capable of Experian ring such let alone someone feeling all this for me.

"I came to the realisation that I want you, you every selfish way possible. Be mine please mon amour. I'll let you think about it." He says softly yet briefly. I nod as I understand all he just said.

Lucca leaves a generous amount of money on the table and gets up.

He stretches his hand out for me to take.

"Let's go mon amour" he says giving me a small smile.

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