(33) I live for danger.

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"Pay back is a bitch and
revenge is sweet"

The road is so smooth I feel like crushing but it's not an option because this is a race.

So far Jade and I are leading but I let her get in front. I'm not underestimating her but I've done this before.

When it comes to laps you need to pace.

Brad is behind us and you can definitely say he's crushing.

We pass a dip and Brad starts speeding up. Okay now for the big guns.

I put the car off drive and into sports and press my guy on the accelerator. I speed up just getting behind jade.

Once we get onto the second lap I use the size of the track to my advantage.

I pass jade just like that and so does brad. Now it's between us.

I accelerate some more going at dangerous speeds.

I live for the danger.

Brad stays behind me by me blocking him before he can over-take.

I know what he's likely to do since he wants to pass and is tired of tailing me.

I stay in front of him on the left lane. He moves to the right but immediately takes a turn to the left. I speed up so he doesn't bump me and just like that he turns the the first right lane so we don't crash.

Nice try though.

I make it onto the last lap still in the lead. I press my foot in the accelerator until I can't even turn properly. I drift at every corner I make.

Brad catches up. He can't win. No.

We pass the dip. It's the last hundred meters

Shit Avia. Think !!!

I know he's going to use the right lanes curve at a boost to drift.

I put the steering wheel in line and go complete straight at full speed.

I'm crossing lanes but since they curve but this is it.

Brad lands grill the ramp and I immediately switch the car around and reverse back.

The smell of burnt tires and the sound of screeching tires fills the air.

I turn the car around and drift the last curve and that's how I pass the finish line.

I turned that curve so quickly I swear I thought the car would flip over.

Brad comes in a second after me then after a couple seconds Jade comes in.

I get out the car and take my helmet off. The lither two do the same.

"You're fucking good" brads smirks. "Thank you" I smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner" Louis yells holding up my hand.

The group cheers me on.

I totally see myself doing this as a profession one day.

"Okay so like I said the winner gets a prize. You get to get your own racer kit, your choice of color and you have full membership to our track." Louis says.

I jump up and down excitedly then stop when I realize something. "Wait but I have to be in Spain" I say as realization hits me.

Louis and a few others laugh waving it off. "The rest of you can get these amazing shirts" and before I forget our second placer gets a helmet of their choice" he says.

Brad nods with a grin in approval. Everyone grabs a shirt from the boxes in front.

"What color kit do you want" Louis asks. "Uhm the red one" I say excitedly. "There you go" he says handing me a red Audi racer kit with a matching helmet.

"Thank you" I shriek and I walk and join the other girls in the bathroom to change.

I get to the bathroom and the girls in there cheer for me as I walk in. "Amazing race" "well done" "bad ass" and other comments come from them.

"Thanks guys" I smile as I look Kyle.

"You're going to love these" Kyle says coming at me out of no where.

He shows me the pictures he took and they're amazing. My favorite one is the one of me coming on the car with my helmet in my hands smiling. It looks amazing.

"Thank you" I yell and tackle Kyle. "Anything for you" he laughs.

Since a lot of girls are in stalls changing I decide too to go change in one.

After all when in Rome you do as the Romans do.

The only one available is the last one at the back. It's at the end of the row.

I look back and forth from where some girls are changing and to the stall at the end. I'm stuck in a dilemma on where to change.

Wow Avia. The stalls it is.

I walk over too the stalls and lock my self in. The second I closed the door the sound I kind of drowned out.

It's nice to have a quite stall but if shit goes south then uhm yeah.

These are one of those high quality bathrooms. The walls reach the ceiling and the ground. There's a bag holder and a scent thingy.

I take a while trying to take of the racer kit I already had on. I take more time deciding if u shipbuilding put on the kit I chose of the clothes I came in.

While I'm deciding I hear the girls screaming and something like a siren. The sounds faint but I swear I can hear it.

Hurry up Avia so you can get out and find out

I decide on the clothes I came in with the jacket of the kit.

Dammit Avia you sure know how to take a decade to change.

I put on my vans before putting my clothes in my bag I came with. I grab my bag and helmet and get out of the Stall.

When I step out the stall my heart drops.

Everyone's gone.

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