(29) Thats a wrap.

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"You're always better off with
a really good lie"

Avia's POV

After that amazing intense make out session with Lucca I go to back to the first floor and dance some more.

The vibe at this party just doesn't seem to die out.

I walk around a bit more. This 'musical festival' is definitely one of the best. The fact we got invited out of no where is even more amazing.

Everything's happening so quickly I'm starting to question if it really happened.

"Where have you been" Tori asks with a smirk. "Oh nowhere" I say with a smile. "Who was that guy you were kissing?" I ask.

"Oh no one" she slurs. That's when I smell the alcohol on her. Tori can drink but sometimes she goes overboard. The strong stench of vodka and castle hits me in the face.

"How much did you drink?" I ask. "Uhm I think like 3" she slurs.

"3 shots?"

"No silly 3 cans" she says slowly.

"Tori usually when you drink things don't end well. Let's get you somewhere safe." I say and we all upstairs.

There's a security guard at the third level. "Where are you going ma'am" he asks hooding out his arms blocking me from getting further.

"I just want to put my friend somewhere I know is safe." I say and he gives me a questioning look.

"Please" I ask giving him my best puppy dog eyes. "Okay but fetch her in a few hours" he says putting his arm down and letting me pass.

Tori and I walk down the hall and I stop at a room I'm hoping is a bedroom. I turn the knob and to see it is a bedroom. A big one on top of that.

I put her in bed and tuck her in. "Don't go anywhere" I say as I get up. She mumble what I'm assuming is supposed to be a yes then closes her eyes.

I walk to the door and give her one last look. She's passed out already.

Oh my best friend is a potential party animal.

I close the door gently and stand there for a while playing with the necklace Lucca got me.

After a while of thinking I walk back to the stairs case but I stop after a few steps when I hear someone talking. I look at around not knowing where exactly it's coming from. I decide to pick a random direction and follow it.

I walk further down the hall and then I take a left.

I can hear it better and it sounds like more than one person.

I eventually find the door it's coming from. I walk really quietly that the sound of my heels clicking on the marble floor and exposing throughout the empty floor can no more be heard till I reach the door.

It's slightly open and none of the people inside have seemed to notice my presence so I lean against the door frame and watch.

This should be interesting.

Lucca's POV

"Lucca you need too decide and decide quickly" Kendall snaps.

I run my hand through my already messy hair. "I know okay it's just not that easy."

"How's it not easy. I'm here offering and you've got another girl you actually like that I'm sure will understand"

Kendall and I are sitting at the end of the bed in some bedroom on a floor we're not even supposed to be on.

"I didn't bribe that security guard for nothing Lucca so make up your god damn mind" she snaps.

"I don't want to end up with you" I sneer. "Yeah but I'm sure you don't want Avia to think the only reason you care about her and shit is because you need a wife before you can be the next in line to your fathers Company" she snaps.

"Don't say it like that" I snap at her. "How should I say it because that's the truth" she says.

I turn my head too Kendall and she does the same.

"I know how much you like this girl but do you want to hurt her like this" Kendall says lowering her voice.

"I'm going to hurt you more if I marry you" I snap.

"Does she know about you and David"

My blood freezes.

I shake my head.

"Lucca did you tell this poor girl anything?" she yells.

I rub my temples and shake my head.

I don't deserve someone like Avia.

I'm such a bad person. I'm leading her on just to hurt her in the end.

"Lucca I'm here and I'm willing to do it" Kendal says moving closer.

"Avia doesn't have to know. You'll get you dads company and we'll figure it out from there." She says in my ear.

She sits on my lap and runs her hands through my hair.

"Why you doing this Ken, what are you benefiting?" I ask.

"I get to be with you. Kendall Larsson." she whispers.

She leans in and kisses me. She runs her hands through my hair some more.

At first I don't kiss back but then I do. It's starts of soft but gets more passionate. I can taste the vodka in her mouth.

After a while I pull back. I get up and run my hands through my hair and rub my temples.

"God dammit you really are a frustrated mess" Kendall sneers.

"I can't believe I just did that" I say in disbelief.

"Well believe it buddy because it happened" Kendall laughs.

"Oh god. Avia. I need to speak to her. She deserves the truth" I say.

I feel so bad. She's already having a tough time and here I am going behind her back.

I turn back to bed to grab my phone and wallet.

"Lucca" Kendall calls. I look up at her.

Before she can speak someone starts clapping.

Someone is clapping loud, it's echoing throughout the room. "That's a wrap" the voice says. The air suddenly feels cold.

We both look towards the door and see a pissed off Avia leaning against the door frame

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