(39) We've got company.

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"Death is the only true revenge"

Lucca and I are disguising ourselves by wearing the SWAT uniform the other security guards and men working for David and Daniel are wearing.

We walk through the scanning system into the building with Shannon in the middle. To everyone around we just look like two security guards escorting a girl on David's and Daniels side.

We make our ways to the elevators. I nod twice at Lucca to make sure it's him. He comes forward a looks at me.

We've got black tinted helmets on since it's part of the uniform but I'm sure he'll just have to use his 6th sense.

He then nods twice and we walk into the elevator. Just before the elevator doors close someone stops it with their foot.

"Sorry but I'm in a rush." David says as he walks in.

He looks at us a smiles with a nod.

"What you doing you so early. It's 3pm and you have to be here only at 6" David says to Shannon.

"Oh I thought I'd just come around since I've got nothing else to do" Shannon says nonchalantly.

I study her body language and I can tell she's nervous. She's too fidgety. She's trying too hard to look calm.

A ping goes out and the number 4 button on the elevator is glowing with a white and blue light. Soon after the doors slide open and David steps out.

"See you around Shannon" he says looking at his phone and walking off.

We get of the elevator a couple moments later. Shannon walks in front leading us down an escalator and then using her access card to open a door.

We get inside meet another guard. I look at them to make sure it's who we want it too be.

I nod twice and the they take of their helmet.


"Everything going as planned so far" she asks.

"Yeah" Lucca says taking off his helmet.

Crystal walks to the main switch box. She hits it open with the back of 9mm Heckler.

She puts in a small device then closes it. All I know is that whatever they're putting is connected to Big Ben. Daniel put up a software and did some hacking so know one can 'spy' on them.

We're going to use these to be able to communicate with Mae, Camilla,Gale and Samantha.

"Okay done. I'm going to go finish up down below" Crystal says before walking down the stairs.

The three of us go up until we reach a row of bunker rooms.

Camilla should be in one of these.

Lucca and I go down the hall trying to open the doors but they don't budge.

After minutes of try to open the doors we look at Shannon.

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