(21) You really are some trouble.

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Avia's POV

I feel something trickling around on my face. I open my eyes see morning sun rays dancing on my face.

I sit up and rub my eyes. Lucca is sitting at the door of the bed shirtless.

"Rise and shine beautiful." he says smiling at me.

"Morning, how long have you been up for" I ask getting out of bed.

"Not so long." he says.

"How your bruises and your head doing" he asks softly but with a calculated look.

"Well my necks feeling some what better but which bruises are you..."

Oh yes.

"Why didn't you tell me" he asks looking up at me.

"It's not like that Lucca ... I didn't think it was important or that ... that you'd care." I mutter.

He sighs for a moment before looking more angry. "Avia, who did this?" He asks in a stern voice. 

Silence. I look away from his gaze and to the bed sheets. He takes my chin gently and directs my face so that I'm looking at him again as he repeats his question. 

"Was it David mon amour?" He asks, I nod.

"It was the night David got me and beat me. He punched me a couple times, dunked me with water, threatened me a bit then hit me around my abdominal area with a metal pole a few times" I add.

Lucca has a look of disbelief on his face. I don't know if he's mad at David or at me for not telling him. He gets up and walks to a nearby drawer and puts on a black shirt.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused.

"To show someone what happens when you mess with my girl" he says grabbing his keys and phone.

"Lucca it's fine. It's  whatever." I say walking and stopping right in front of him.

"You know where the spare keys are, you'll let yourself out. I love you" He says briefly before kissing my forehead and walking right out the door.

What have you done Avia.

Wait he loves me?


I've got nothing planned to do so I head upstairs and to my room to chill. I go to my blazer and to get my AirPods but instead I pull out a ziplock bag.

Ohh right...

I guess I got something to do now.

I grab my phone and dial my moms number. After a few rings she picks up.

"Hey mother" I say. "Hi darling how are you" she asks. "I'm good and you" I asl. "I'm good" she says.

"Is there anything I can do for you" she adds. "Uhm actually yes. I need some blood tested" I say. "No problem but what for" she asks.

Play it cool Avia.

"I just want to know what blood type it is" I say casually. "Oh alright you can come by the house tall I'll get someone to help you" she says. "Alright thanks and bye" I say. "Bye darling" she says then hangs up.

I'm glad she didn't ask questions. If she did I was screed because I don't even do science, I'm an accounting and art child what would I need blood goes for ?

I get my keys and head to the garage. I get into my Jeep and hit the road. It takes me half an hour to get to the Josip it's my mom works at.

I park my car right outside the main door. It's reserved for staff but my mom works here so I always get away with it.

I head inside and I'm immediately greeted by a rather happy Cindy. "Hello Avia how are you ?" She ask with a smile. "I'm good thanks and you" I asl back with a small smile. "I'm good thank you" she says.

We walk to the elevators and she presses the button for the third floor.

We get there and the hospital smell ok this floor is really strong. I like it but if you're unfortunate and you're here all day then good luck.

We get to one of the labs at the end of the hall. "So what is it you need tested" she ask as she puts on gloves and a mask. I pull out a ziplock bag with a blood stained bandage on it.

I hand it to her and she gives me a confused look. "What exactly do you want me to do because it doesn't look like you want to know what blood type it is" she asks.

"I was told to just test it" I say bluntly. "Does your mom know this is what you actually want" she asks with raised eyebrows. "No but she doesn't have to know" I say with a small smile.

"You really are some trouble" she says before turning around and going to a work station.

I take out my phone and go through twitter to pass the time. Once I get bored of that I play some Minecraft.

An hour later Cindy comes to me with some papers and the ziplock bag.

"Do you really want to know" she asks me. "Yeah" I say standing up.

"It's infected with HTLV. Human T-lymphotropic virus"she says handing me the papers.

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