(8) Greek god walks in.

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"Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I hit my alarm clock as I groan. It's fucking 05:20 in the morning.

I get up at sit on the edge of my bed. I check my phone and even though there's other notifications I go straight to Lucca's text.

"Yesterday was nice."
"Also it's now or never"

I instantly know what he's talking about.

Its time to be the 'heartless' Avia people claim I am.

I left Lucca's place around  8pm last night.

We didn't go further than an intense make out session.

To get myself into the mood I play some rock. Marilyn Manson. I get off my bed and go to my bathroom.

Half an hour later and I'm sitting in front of my dressing table.

I don't wear makeup to school. Sometimes just mascara and bronzer on my checks to highlight my features. Most girls have something they put on every morning so it's no big deal. I'm kind of glad my school doesn't allow makeup.

It's like my break days to be honest.

I put some bronzer under my check bones and on my jawline. I put my clear lip balm. I comb my hair and decide to put it in a low sleek bun. Afterward I take some gel and to my baby hairs. Lastly I put on 3 different perfumes then head downstairs.

I feel like having fries so I take some oven bake chips and put them into the oven. I decide to check my phone and see a bunch of texts. Tori's one catches my eye.

"Lucca just enrolled into Saint Royals High"

Wait what?

I grab my things and head out. I'll grab something to eat before school starts from the Cafeteria.

After 25 minutes of going over the speed limit I finally get to school.

As I'm about to get out my car I see Lucca taking to some guys I've seen around. He's even wearing the uniform. Why would he enroll here out of no where.

Please can this just be a nightmare.


It's Lunch-time so I go with Tori to buy lunch. "So what did you do after you dropped me off" she ask. "Uhm Lucca then I went over"I mumble scratching my neck.

"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!" She yells with an amused face. "Tori we're just friends well not even, we just...like... meh" I say nonchalantly. "You never know, that's all I'm saying" she says.

"I still can't believe he's here and he hasn't said hey all day he literally just switched up out of no where" I mumble. "Why would you care, you guys aren't even friends" she says mocking me. "Ha ha ha Tori" I say.

We laugh a bit then walk off.

We get to the Cafeteria and don't even have to wait in line because there's only two other people.

Leaving class early does wonders.

We get our food and as we walk out I remember I have to find David. "Hey I've got something to do lol I'll catch you later"I say before walking away. "Much love" Tori yells before going the opposite direction.

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