(17) You never cared.

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"You can see ones soul
through their

As usual the day is going by slowly. School just ended but I've got got art piece to finish this afternoon and some people to talk to.

I've been doing a pretty good job at avoiding people. I get up the three flights of stairs and leave my bag in class. It should probably take me an hour at most to get done.

I get down 1 flight of stairs and see Jade about to walk down. "Hey wait up Jade" I call out. She stops. "Hey" she says. "What's up " she adds. "Let's talk" I say. "On the balcony we should have privacy" I add.

We walk back up stairs and chill on the balcony next to my art class.

"What is it you want too talk about" she says. "You and David" I say bluntly. "What do you mean" she says raising her eyebrows. "I saw you two" I say. Her face drops but she smirks a second after.

"It's your word against mine" she smirks. "If I got proof " I smirk back. Her face goes blank. "Oh and what will you do Avia. Tell me what you'll do" she snaps.

"I'm not sure yet " I shrug.

She's about to speak when Kate comes. "Hey guys" she says. I just nod and so does Jade. "I've got to go" jade says walking away turning to go downstairs.

"How you Avia" Kate asks. Why is she being nice. "I'm good and you" I say. "I'm good". "You got any tea?" She ask. "Hmm well kind of" I say. "Do tell" she exclaims.

"You first" I say. "Fine" she says. "Well some guys girlfriend was cheating on him. Someone's gonna drop the video of them making out at 4." She says. "Alright" I say. "I heard someone getting busy with your man" I say nonchalantly.

She laughs. She throws her head back and laughs historically. "I feel bad for them" she says in between laughs. Why is she laughing and what does she mean.

"I'll share it with you but don't tell anyone" she says. "Take this" she says handing me a bandage in a ziplock bag. "What the fuck" I ask disgusted. "I got it last week when we made it official" she says seriously. "Get it tested" she adds before walking away.

I look back and forth between the bandage and Kate walking away.

Eh okay.

I make my way to class and finish up my art work. There's another kid in here but we don't talk really.

Only a few words in between but otherwise we concentrate on our art and jam to the music being played. Art is such a free class. There's a microwave in here and a kettle so you can have coffee or tea. You can eat and it's always a dance party with the radio system in here.

I'm almost done with my work. I take my brushes and head to the sink to rinse them off to use lighter colors.

Just as I get to the sink Shannon walks in. "Avia can we talk?" she ask. "I'm busy not now" I say trying to sound nice. "Please" she says. I shake my head.

"Avia I'm tired of pretending things between us didn't happen. We were good friends. Are you really going to throw it away ? You've been avoiding me for a while but you can just avoid your problems forever.  That's not how it's works." She snaps.

"How's it supposed to work? With lies or the fake ness or one sided effort? Hmm. What friendship is this because you let it go the second day after we met. You never cared. I know you know I don't want to be around you. You knew how I've felt all this time. You could tell I didn't care where this so called friendship ended up up. It's a pity how you know me so well. To me this was a matter of convenience. We're not gonna have to see each other ever again in a year and a bit so what's left to try" I snap back.

Lucca walks in. "How long have you been there?" Shannon asks. "Long enough" he says bluntly. He walk to the table where my work is and just sits down and goes on his phone.

"Avia trust me. I didn't mean half the things I did. I knew no better and it wasn't intentional either. We can still be friends Avia. You're right I know but what did you expect me to do. I can see how you feel. Everyday you make give me some fake smile but I can see it in your eyes. Please Avia" she says.

I look at her then look down and shake my head.

"You don't believe me ? Do you ?" She asks with her voice cracking.

"Do you expect me to" I ask looking her in the eyes.

"You two need to stop." Lucca says. "Come let's go." he says walking Shannon to the door.

Three confrontations. Three people. All in one day. I'm exhausted. I wash my brushes and go back to my seat.

The other girl doing her art doesn't seem to care about what's going on around her. She takes minding your business to a new level.

Lucca comes back in a makes his way towards me. I dip my paintbrush into the white and make some light lines over my water to reflect some light.

"You avoiding me too" lucca asks grabbing a chair next to me. "What do you mean?" I ask playing dumb. I know what he means. It's not my business either way.

"Avia she's not my fiancé. My dad wanted us to get married but it's not going to happen." he blurts out.

"I'm tired of your bullshit. You have a fiancé but because of you I get kidnapped and beaten the shit out of, you sleep with me after I just met your fiancé and you avoid talking about serious issues although you you know everything about me via illegal ways and I'm supposed to just let you slide. Whatever." I let out.

He gives me a questioning look but I ignore him.

I'm finally done. I pack up and Lucca and I head to the parking. Since I'm at my dad and Lucca lives a few streets from me he drove me to school.

We get into his Mercedes and leave school. "We've got to get on Phase 2" Lucca says. "Alright when" I ask. "Tonight" He says. 

Never mix business with pleasure, never.

"What is it we have to do exactly" I ask with my eyebrows raised.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Lucca says while speeding down the road.

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