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So, what can I say? I'm actually really proud of this book, as well as the last chapter - and that never happens. As I said before, I hope you all loved it as much as I did. It was really fun to write and to see all your comments! Thank you!

Anyway, now I've got to work on the sixth book AND "Dear Hiatus..." (sequel to A lIving Hell). I should have the first chapter up for "DH" by this weekend - I'm hoping. That chapter's been in the making for at least a month, maybe a little longer. If you haven't read the first A Living Hell, I highly encourage you too. I've gotten a lot of feedback on it, so if you decide to check it out, I hope you like it! I'm super excited for "DH"!

Alright, so, when the sixth book is posted (currently not posted, ovbiously), it wil be called Into Thin Air (Book Six in the Peterick Mpreg Series). It's mainly going to focus on everyone's lives - kind of the way this book ended. I do know it is a Peterick series, BUT there is only so much Peterick I can write, okay? I've got some serious plans for the sixth book, so don't like hurt me, please xD (cause shit's gonna go dowwnnnnn).

Okay, so, thank you all again for all the reads, votes, and comments. I appreciate all of it soooo much, and also, thank you for all teh positive feedback on the chapters I thought were shit - and the ones that weren't anyway. Also, thanks for all the love on all my other stories too! I love any feedback! And I love you guys:3

Feels good to finish another book, really. 


Me and You Against the World (Book Five in the Peterick Mpreg Series)Where stories live. Discover now