Yeah, Everyday - Expensive Headphones

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Guys I need help honestly

Also like,,,angst? Kinda?? No?? Okay

Michaels P.O.V

I sat down on my bed, just getting home from school. I brought Rich home with me, just to come over. No, we're not dating. Yes, I think hes dating Jake. What a surprise. I really want someone like Rich has. Jake is so nice to him always.

"So, why'd you invite me over?" Rich asked me as I put my "Riends" bag on the ground. Every time I look at it, I feel like crying. My "Boyf" is gone. He got rid of his SQUIP, got Christine, and left me to rot. It was really bad. He even got rid of his backpack. Rich is the only friend I have now, really.

I shrugged, "I just wanted someone to hang out with. Is that too much to ask for once in a while? Am I a bother to everyone?" I asked, the last part I whispered quietly. I've been in a depressed state recently, even though it's been around 7 months since Jeremy and Christine started dating.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them. It's just me. I still love Jeremy. I'm happy if he's happy, I guess. Not really. But I guess.

"Have you ever gotten your heart broken, Michael?" Rich asked me as he sat down on my bed, "you've been theeming(seeming) really deprethed(depressed) lately. Have you like, broken up with thomeone(someone)? I know Jeremy doethn't(doesn't) hang out with you ath(as) much as he uthed(used) to, but just know you have me."

I pretend to think for a minute. I already know the answer. It's a hard yes.
After a while, I answer, "Yeah, everyday," I respond.

He looks at my with sympathetic eyes then respond, "Really? How so? By who? Why wouldn't they like you back? You should know you're amazing, really. There honestly nothing to not like about you," he says with no lisp.

I start to get teary-eyed. I don't really like talking about this subject. It reminds me of Jeremy and how he's not with me, but with Christine instead.

I looked at a picture of me and Jeremy on my tac-board and respond, "They never knew how much I loved them until it was too late. I was too late," I started to cry. I hate talking about this, which I've probably said a million times before.

Rich leaned over and hugged me, "It'th(its) okay. Whoever they are, they don't detherve(deserve)you. You're perfect the way you are, man. Don't make anybody think that you aren't, okay? And if you're comfortable with telling me on who thith(this) perthon(person) ith(is), then go ahead and tell me. You don't have to, though."

He lets go of me and I look away, back at the photos me and Jeremy took when we were in kindergarten, kids, teenagers, and around our ages now. I feel more hot tears rushing down my face. I turn to look at Rich.

"I don't know if you were thinking this or not, but I liked Jeremy. No, I loved Jeremy. I think still do. But now that he's with Christine, I missed my chance. I'm so fucking stupid," I start to sob. I take my glasses off, as they were starting to get my tears on them. I bet I'm an ugly crier. I bet Rich thinks I'm weak.

"Hey man, it'th(its) okay. He doethn't(doesn't) detherve(deserve) you. You're perfect," Rich says with a smile. I smile back, but then get confused.

"Wait, aren't you dating Jake?" I ask. He shook his head no. "No, we broke up a while ago," he says with unshed tears. I look away.

Shit, fuck, this sound so cheesy, lord help me.
I think I might have feelings for Rich.

Word count - 634
That was shit.
Might as well make a pArt twOoo!!1!

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