See you soon - Kleinphy

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Jared P.O.V

Today is the day Evan died. Well, he passed away last year. I just don't really know how else I would word it. Don't get me wrong, I'm still sad, and it was terrible. But if Evan didn't.....pass, I would have became friends, and boyfriends with Connor.

Yeah, I'm dating Connor. Well, let me restart....


It's been 2 months since Evan died. Me and Connor got a little closer, well, actually were really close. I think I might be starting to like him. Actually, yeah. I like him. But he'll never like me back so I should just like...stop liking him???? How's that work????

Well either way, he doesn't like me back...I think. Probably not. I'm fat and really stupid. At least, I think I am. Well let's get off of that (hot) topic.

I'm in class. We have around 30 minutes to go.

"Okay, for this part you're going to be needing your pencils. So grab a pencil," the teacher exclaims. I go into my binder to look for a pencil, to see I don't even have one. Lucky me, I guess. I'll have to ask Connor for a pencil since he sits next to me.

"Hey, Connor, can I borrow a pencil?" I ask, adding fake sweetness into my voice. He scoffs and hands me a pencil. I whisper thanks to him.


It's already the end of school. Wow, it went by so fucking slow. Today I'm going to visit Evan since it's been 2 months already. Woah, I've lived 2 months without Evan. I know I always said Evan was my family friend, but he was so much more than that. He was my only friend, evan though I told him I had my camp friends. Well, you all guessed it, they weren't actually my friends.

Once I get home, I already have my flowers for Evan. If you want to know what kind they are, they're Buttercups. Yes that's a flower. They were Evans favorite flower. I bring them at least 2 or 3 times a month. Well, I have for the past 2.

Since it's August(my school starts in August, ugh.), I get one of my button-ups and put it over one of my graphic t-shirts. I go to put on my shoes.

"Bye mom, bye dad," I yell out even though I know nobody would answer. They're never home. They weren't there when I cam out as pansexual and transgender. They weren't there when I had 10 out of the 17 birthdays I've had. They weren't there when Evan died. They weren't there.

I head out the door and walk into the woods. Yeah, his grave is in the cemetery in the woods. He would've wanted it like that. He loved trees.

Once I'm at the cemetery, I start walking down the road(In the cemetery) to his grave. Once I'm close enough, I see someone there. 'Who's that? No ones ever here when I come,' I think.

Once I get closer, I can see that the figure was Connor, talking to Evan. "Hey!" I yell out to Connor. Connor jumps and turn around, really fast.

"What the fUck?" Connor's voice cracks in the middle of his sentence. I shake my head, "No, we don't swear here," I respond back as he nods his head, meaning he understands.

"You brought him buttercups too?" Connor questions. I nod.

"They were his favorite," we both say at the same time. My eyes widen a bit. "You know that?" I ask as he nods his head yes.

I go to sit down next to him. "I really miss Evan, ya know. I don't know why he felt like nobody cared about him."(heck y'all voices in my head just came on help) I say with unshed tears in my eyes.

He nods his head in understanding. "We used to secretly date, by the way. I'm sorry for saying it now, but I felt like you should know. He seemed to be a really good friends of yours," he exclaims as I shake my head no.

"It's probably all my fault. I always said he was only my family friend. I said I was only friends with him cause my car insurance. I don't even have a car!"(I know he does I think, just shh let the story go)I start sobbing.

Connor reaches over and hugs me. "It's fine. I know how it feels. Well, not really. But just know I'm here."

I need my head. "You k-know I like you, right? Like, not as a friend. Sorry, it's probably-" he cuts me off with his lips. My eyes open a little, then I close them and start kissing back.

"I'm sorry, I'm a mess," I say. Connor shakes his head. "No, you're beautiful."

He starts caressing my check as his phone pings telling him someone texted him.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I have to go. But I have a question, will you possibly, maybe, go on a date with me?" He asks. I start crying a little harder and nod my head yes.

"That's good. I like you too, duh. But see you on Monday?" He questions. I nod my head and wave bye.

"Bye," he says as he starts walking away. I turn around to look at Evans grave.

"Hey Evan. My parents haven't came back in a month. I'm kinda worried, but it's probably going to be fine. I mean, they always come back right? Well I really miss you. I found out that you and Connor used to date. That's cool. I think I told you I liked Connor, right? Well he asked me to go on a date with him. Which I'm really happy about. I just wanted to get your permission first. I don't really want to steal your boyfriend, heh," I start to cry again. "So if I'm allowed to date him, can you like, maybe send me a sign? God, this is dumb. Just do it okay?" I ask him. I turn back around and sit on the grass and lean on the gravestone.

I wait for a little bit and nothing had happened. "Well, I guess I'll just take that as-" I got cut off as a blue butterfly lands on my hand. 'Blue was his favorite color,' I think to myself.

"Maybe it is a yes then," I smile to myself.

I get up off of the grass. "Bye Evan, I'm going to miss you. See you soon," I start to walk away from the grave, down the road.

Thank you Evan. Thanks for letting me date Connor. Me and him miss you very much. I guess this is goodbye for now. See you soon.
Word count - 1130
Hah cool

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