Dont Leave Me - Treebros

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I'm kinda a sucker for treebros and sincerely three now frick
I just saw Dear Evan Hansen and it was amazing so sksksk

Evans P.O.V

I know it's been a long time since my dad has left. I'm in senior year and he left when I was seven! That's....that's a long time.

But I haven't stopped wondering about the one question;

Was it my fault he left?

It probably wasn't, but with my anxiety and stuff I just can't help but think it was. Of course my anxiety has gotten better after the....Zoe incedent.....but I just can help me thinking it(instead of Connor dying Zoe died by the way...also Connor and Evan are still together because Connor gets why Evan would do it with his anxiety. Of course he was very upset for a while though.).

Well, I'll worry about it more after school.

At school

Once I navigate through the dangerous hall, I reach my locker. I do my combination with shaky hands because I feel like everyone has they're eyes on me.

"Hey darling," Connor says as he walks over to my locker. He smiles and I smile back. His smile is wonderful and I hope he knows that.

"Connor, there's nothing like your smile, sorta subtle and perfect and...real," I say quietly so only he could hear it. His smile gets bigger.

Connors been doing better as well. He's trying to stop smoking and his depression has gotten much better.

After I grab my things from my locker, we both head to class.

After school

Once our last class ends, I go to find Connor. In accidentally get into the sea of people in the hall way. I can barely see anything.

'Fuck,' I think. I'm about to break down. I can feel tears already forming in my eyes. "Fuck," I questly whisper as I get pulled back and into a bathroom. As soon as I reach the bathroom, I'm pulled into a hug.

"You're okay, Evan. It's gonna be okay," the mystery voice says to me. I immediately recognize it to be Connor's voice. I almost start breaking down. I didn't, though, as that would've been more or a loser-ish thing to do.

"O-oh....hi Connor...! I was w-wondering if you might want to...c-come over to my house? O-of course you d-don't have to! I j-just was w-wondering since I have n-nothing planned and usually you have n-nothing planned and sorry I'm p-probably rambling and being a-annoying again..." I say the last part fast.

"Evan, I would love to, okay?" He kissed the top of my head and I smiled.

"Okay...I love you, Connor," I say.

He responds with a, 'I love you too, Evan.'

Back at Evans house

As we're walking home, I still can't help but think, dad left because of me. Connors going to do the same. I know it.

'Evan, stop. It wasn't your fault. Connor won't leave you. He loves me for me.....right?' I think. I'll probably bring it up later but only time will tell.

"H-hey Connor...?" I asked as we arrived at my doorstep. Even though my mother has been trying to be home more often, she's gone today.

"Yes Evan?" He responded.

"I was wondering...d-did..did my dad l-leave because of m-me?" I asked queasily. I felt a little sick to my stomach as he looked a little angry as I said that.

"I-I'm sorry it was a s-stupid question I shouldn't have- oof!" He pulled me into a tight hug.

"Evan..." he sadly said. "Evan, it wasn't your fault. It will never be your fault. He was an asshole. He didn't deserve you anyways and he never will. Shit, I don't even deserve you!" He responded while petting my hair. I started breaking down.


"Yes Evan?"

"Will...w-will you leave me like my dad d-did?" I asked. Connor immediately responded with,

"Evan! Don't ever think like that, okay!" He pulled me out of the hug, put his hands on my shoulders, and started crying as well. "I will never leave you. I wouldn't even be able to function if I left you!" He pulled me back into a tight hug.

"I-I'm sorry..." I whispered.

"Don't be, Evan. I l-love you, okay?" He said not really as a question, but more as a statement.

"I love you too, Connor..." I sobbed into his sweater. "Please don't l-leave me..." I whispered to him.

"Evan....I won't ever leave you. Not now, not ever. Okay Evan?"


Word count - 781
Ew this was trash
I'm on a plane so Skskks

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