Punishment - McPricely

333 7 11


McKinley's P.O.V

I was causing...a little trouble. Not a lot! Just a little to get Kevin a little riled up. What can I say, it's fun! And he's hot....

Anyway, to do this, I just started to do things that could get him to get riled up.

"Kevinnnn!" I whined. "Come cuddle with me!"

I knew he was working on his papers at the moment, but that's why I'm doing it.

"Not right now honey, I'm working," he states. I walk over to him and sit next to him.

"Kevin! Cuddles!" I put my hands over his shoulders and he snarls.

"Connor, I said not right now. We can later," he says as he pushes my hands off of his shoulders.

I move down to his hands and push his hand while he was writing a little(in pen!) and it messes up a little.

"Connor, I swear..." he growls. I smirk and get up to sit into the couch.

Later, though, he was cooking dinner. Once the Mac and Cheese was done, he brought it over to me (don't judge! It's my favorite).

And obviously, I sat there thinking what I could do to get him mad. And I thought about spilling the water.

I reached my hand to "grab a napkin" and I knocked over the water.

"Oops," I say while smirking. Price looks a little mad right now. Good.

"Connor....." he warns. I then hit my elbow onto the Mac and cheese bowl and it spill over and hits the ground somehow (don't ask).

"I swear Connor, one more thing and I'll punish you," Kevin says.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, okay," I say sarcastically.

"That's it, princess. Stand up," he commands and I do as told.

"Come here," he pulls he chair he was sitting on out a little bit. I was getting a little scared by the moment.

"Lay down on my lap," Kevin commands, and I do.

"I'll go easy as this is the first time we've done this," He says as he pulls down my pants and underpants a little.

"Wha-" I start saying then he slams his hand down on my behind.

"Kevin!" I day surprised. He's never down this before.

"Now you know what I'm doing, what have you done wrong?" Kevin asked me.

"Hah, like I'd-" Kevin smack me again.

"Answer me, princess," he demands.

"I-I was being rude and knocking thing o-over and bothering y-you," I responded.

"What else?" He pushes on.

"I r-rolled me eyes," I added.

"Good boy. How many spankings do you think you should get?" Kevin asked.

"T-ten," I responded with.

"Ten what?" He added.

"Ten, s-sir..." I said.

"Good boy," he said as he slapped his hand down once more. I whined a little. Only 8 more.

He slapped it down again. And again. And again. Only 4 more, I thought.

"Good boy," he praises as he slaps me again. And again. And again.

It hurt a lot now. The last slap is probably the worst. I'm almost in tears at this point.


I finally burst into tears.

"I-I'm so sorry, Kev! I didn't m-mean to be r-rude! I just w-wanted your a-attention!" I sobbed into his chest.

"It's okay, baby boy. You did so well for your first punishment. I feel like you deserve a treat," he states. My ears perk up at this.

"I-Ice cream?" I ask.

"Whatever you want, baby boy," Kevin responds with. I push myself a little up to reach his lips and kiss them.

I pull back a say loudly, "Ice cream!"

"Okay baby boy, well clean up this mess later," he states.

He chuckled, stands up, and we head out the door.

"I love you, Kevin," I say. And I mean it.

"I love you too, baby boy."

Word count - 644

Yay I love Book of Mormon now

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