Broken Hearts Club - Boyfs

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Okay so I heard this song and I thought of this so here's trash

Michaels P.O.V

Jeremy broke up with me. For Christine. She's not a bad person, just she took Jeremy. Well, she didn't take him. He just left me for her. So I guess I'm just mad at her for that. Now I'm just in my room, smoking weed as always. I should go to sleep. I do have school tomorrow and it's 2:36 a.m. I honestly don't give a fuck right now. But I am tired so I guess I will just go to sleep.

Time skip of sleeping brought to you by me not being able to fall asleep due to me having suicidal thoughts

I wake up at around 6:30 a.m. I do the normal morning things and get ready for school. By the time I leave my house, it's 7:25. School starts at 7:40. I have time.

I get to school ten minutes early. Everyone is starting at me for some reason. Am I dressed wrong? Is there something on my face? Is my hair messed up? Is there something on my shirt? It's probably because me and Jeremy broke up.

Some kid with curly brown hair coming up to my and questions, "You and Jeremy broke up?" I stare at him with tears forming in my eyes.

"Yeah, we did," I respond back. He pats my back. "Hey man, we've all been there. Well, our group has."

"Huh? What do you mean by group?" He pulls me into the bathroom and starts saying,

"Come be the newest member of the broken hearts club,
We hate every little thing about the people that we love."

I start to nod my head, which means to keep going. He starts to pick up again on his description of his group thingy.

"We're the let-down, we're the lied-to, where the lost go and it finds you,
Where the lonely make the lonely feel less lonely, and we're dyin' to invite you to stay, and take away the pain. 'Cause misery loves company, so hey, what do you say?" He ends his wording.

At first I wasn't sure if I should join it or not. Maybe this could be a "cure" for what I'm feeling? I'm not sure if I want to. I shrug, "Maybe. There's a very high chance I will, I just need to think about it," I respond. I start to leave and he pats my shoulder, "Good luck, and by the way, by name is John Laurens," he says. I nod.

"I'm Michael Mell," I respond. I start to exit the bathroom.

"I know,"

Time skip cause that was kinda trash

I've been thinking lately, maybe I should join this broken heart club. I should see who else recommends it to me.

I try to find this Laurens kid again, in which I do. "Hey! Laurens!" He whips his head around with a smile like he's expecting someone else. His smile drops and I walk over.

"What was that?" I ask, "nothing, just expecting someone else. You wanna take up my offer on our club?" He adds on. I nod my head. "Follow me," he says then starts to walk the other way. Of course I follow him.

He leads me into the field, which had a few trees. He head up the the tallest one, and what I'm assuming waiting for the other members. "Is this we're we meet? And how many people are in this 'club'?" I ask John.

"Well, yes. This is where we meet. There are 6 people, 7 if we include you. Those 6 are Me, of course, I'm the leader. Then there is Jared, Rich, Crutchie, Alana, and Heather. Then there's you, who's the seventh. Welcome to our club," he explains.

I guess I'm the newest member of the broken hearts club,
We hate every little thing about the people that we love.
We're the let-down, we're the lied-to, where the lost go and it finds you.
Where the lonely make the lonely feel less lonely, and we're dyin' to invite you to stay, and take away the pain. 'Cause misery loves company, so hey, what do you say?

I see Jared running up to the tree. "Hey, you're Michael, right?" He asks. I nod my head yes. "That's cool! I'm Jared. Let down by Evan," he says as he puts out his hand. I got confused for a second until John added, "we say the people who let us down when a new member joins. You know my name, but I was let down by Alex."

I shake Jared's hand, "I was let down by Jeremy," I respond back he nods his head and goes to lean against the tree. I sit down for a couple minutes until I see a guy with a crutch and Rich walk over to us.

"Hiya! The names crutchie," he says while trying to stick out his hand. He can't exactly do that hence the fact he has a crutch on one arm. "Let down by Jack."

"You know me, I'm Rich. Let down by the one and only Jake," Rich adds on.
"Hey, I'm Michael, and I was let down by Jeremy."
I shake both of their hands and we wait for the other members.

I spot Alana and heather walking over to us. "Hey!" Alana waves. Heather doesn't say anything, but she waves.

"Hi! I think you know me. I'm Alana!" She says excitedly. "I'm Heather, Heather McNamara. I was let down by Veronica," Heather says sadly.

"And I was let down by Zoe," Alana says while looking away, seeming like she's trying not to cry. I would've just cried on the spot, but she's strong. I can tell. They both are.

"I'm Michael, let down by Jeremy," I shake their hand like I did with the other members. We start to head back into the school to get our things, then head out to the parking lot.

We see Jeremy, then they start to say some things, probably to make Jeremy feel bad.

Sayin', "They're the newest member of the broken hearts club,(I changed it, sorry)
We still feel pretty lonely and we wish we didn't, but
They're the newest members of the broken hearts club
And we all kinda hate it, but it's easier than love"

Jeremy looks at us weirdly, then to me. He starts to understand the point of the song, I just stand there awkwardly since I don't know the lyrics. Jeremy looks like he's about to cry.

Singin', "We're the newest members of the broken hearts club,
And we still feel pretty lonely and we wish we didn't, but
We're the newest members of the broken hearts club
And we all kinda hate it, but it's easier,"

Jeremy starts breaking down into tears. Shouldn't he be happier? He's with someone way better than me now.

"I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't want to! I-I swear! They m-made me!" Jeremy sobs. I run over to him.

"Who made you? Christine?" I ask. He nods his head yes. "Oh Jeremy," I say.

I grab his chin. I look into he dark blue eyes that anybody could get lost in. I start to lean in closer and so does he. We share our kiss, even though it's a little uncomfortable. But in a way, it's perfect.

"I guess you won't need us anymore," John says with a smile as they walk away, talking.

Word count - 1258
Woah trashhhhh

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