Valentines - Kleinsen

289 11 16

Happy Valentine's Day

TW - Suicide, Cutting, Over-Dosing

Evans P.O.V

Today, I'm planning on asking out Zoe.

I'm asking out Zoe!

Fuck, this is going to be hard. Jared's been helping me trying to ask Zoe out. He's happy for me! I think, at least. He acts happy about it.

I walk into school on Valentine's Day, letter and chocolates in my hand. No one can say no to a letter and chocolates! Jared told me.

I walk over to Zoe's locker where she stood. I tap her shoulder and she spins her head around to face me.

"Oh, hey Evan!" She says with a pretty smile on her face.

"Oh, uhm, hey z-Zoe!" I say back. Ever since her brother moved away, we've been closer friends.

"I was wondering if you could, uhm, maybe go out with me sometime? Be, be my v-valentine?" You ask with anxiety laced in my voice. She looks shocked but excited at the same time.

"Oh, Evan, yes! Yes I will!" He says jumping around. She suddenly stops, turns towards me and gives me a hug.

"Happy Valentine's Day," she whispers in my ear.

Jared's P.O.V

So, acorn got a girlfriend, huh? That's good for him. I thought he needed one too. Well, I was really hoping it was going to be me. But you can only wish, right?

I almost started to cry until I ran out of the school doors and speed walked to my car. This wasn't a good day. Not a good day at all.

I get into my car and burst into tears. Why couldn't Evan date me? Why date the girl who's brother moved off to who-knows-where? Am I not good enough?

Of course in not good enough. I'm ugly. I'm disgusting. I'm revolting. I'm just comic relief. Just the asshole who makes everyone's days better because I remind them that I'm the worst.

I start my car and pull out of the school parking lot. I speed myself home, passing many cars as I go. It won't matter if I get in a car crash compared to what I'm going to do.

I finally get home.

"Mom, dad! I'm skipping school!" I yell. They don't hear me. They're not here. Of course they aren't here. They're never here.

I slam my backpack on ground and run upstairs. Everything I need is upstairs.

I walk over to the other side of my bed to grab my medicine, which was on my dresser. I go to lock the door to my room.

Once I lock it, I head to the bathroom.

"Why are you such a fuck-up, Jared? You had one simple task, which was to get even to date you. You couldn't even do that! Fucking waste of space," I say into the mirror.

I open my pill bottle as my tears drop on to the floor. I set the open pill bottle onto the sink and open my mirror cabinet. In there are my razor blades. You can probably guess what I'm about to do.

This is so cheesy. OD'ing and cutting? I'm such an attention seeker. I close the cabinet and put the blade to my wrist and slice.

The pain hurts, but feels good at the same time. I know I'm finally escaping this horror you call life. I make a couple more in that wrist until I go to the other.

But before I do that, I write something on the mirror with dark red lipstick. I put on makeup sometimes, don't judge me.

I start to feel faint just as I finish, so I grab my pills on the sink, get a hand full, and put them in my mouth. I try to dry-swallow them all, but I didn't get all of them quite down.

I fall to the ground because my weak legs can't hold me anymore.

"I love you, Evan," where the last words I ever spoke.

Times skip

Evans P.O.V

It was the end of the school day. I don't think Jared knew I got a date tomorrow so I'm going to head over to his house to fill him in, assuming he's there because his car isn't in the school parking lot. 

I get to Jareds house quite quickly  since his house isn't a far walk to the school. I open the door since Jared never usually locks it.

"Jared!" I call out. I get no response back.

"Jareeeddd!" I call out once again. I hear nothing. I start to get a little worried, as something like this has happened once before.

I head up the stairs, turn the corner, and knock on Jared's room.

"J-Jared?" I stutter out. I try to turn the knob only to find out it's locked.




"Jared! I swear if t-this is a joke I will k-kill you myself!" I yell into the door. It still doesn't open. I go to get the key from downstairs.

Once I get it, I rush back up the stairs. I go to Jared's door and unlock it.

He's not in his room.

I go to his bathroom, open the door and see the most horrific sight I've ever seen.

Jared, dead on the ground, his anti-depressants scattered around him, as well as dried blood and razor blades to the side. 

"Jared! T-this is a joke, r-right? Jared? Jared?!" I yell out. I'm starting to sob as I fall to my knees next to him. Fuck Jared, you were my best friend! Why did you do this?!

I start to get weak as I lay my head on Jared's dead body, hoping to hear some sort of heartbeat, or even just a little thump that something could possibly be alive in him.

I must've stayed there for over an hour because when I looked outside it was dark out. I stood up, deciding that I should call the police or my mother.

"Im so fucking d-dumb. I should called he p-police earlier. G-god damnit, Evan! Stop being a moron!" I scream into oblivion.

As I get up, though, I notice something in the mirror I didn't quite notice earlier. It was written in something, blood? No, it's not liquid-y enough. Paint? No, too soft.

Lipstick. It's lipstick. Jared loves to do makeup.

But what the message said shook me to the bone.

'Why couldn't I be your valentine, Evan?' 

Word count - 1080

Happy Valentine's Day kids ;)
Also sorry this is posted so late I just finished it oof

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