Getting Better - WhizzVin

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Okay okay so
I just finished Falsettos
I balled my fucking eyes out okay

Also I know there's no cure for AIDS so pretend they've just came up with medications to help it but not cure it.
Whizzer's P.O.V

Long story short, I'm getting better. Nobody exactly knows this yet, but since I've been diagnosed with AIDS, they've been doing the best they can to help me. And it's working!

Charlotte was the first one to break the news to me. Most of the guys who get diagnosed with AIDS die, but now they've came up with a way to help my AIDS get better. Not cured, but better so I won't.....die.

I really want to tell Marvin. He's been the saddest person for these past few months and it's making me sad. I obviously don't like seeing him sad as I love him, but I guess I can't help him when I'm sick.

Anyway, speak of the devil. Marvin just walked into my hospital room.

"Hey Marv," I say, a little quiet.

He reaches over to rub my cheek a little and smiles. "Hey donut," I smile to that.

"I have some news for you, Marvin..." I trail off, as if I was going to say I was getting worse.

"A-are you okay? Is t getting worse? P-please don't say that...that......." Marvin's eyes flash with panic in them. I frown, even though I'm smiling on the inside.

"I...I....I'm getting better!" I say loudly, smiling. He almost broke down into tears because of how worried he was.

"W-wait...wait! Whiz, you got me so worried!" He laughs and hits my arm lightly. "I thought you were going know," he says.

"Yeah! I know! I'm happy too! They said that they can't cure it, but they'll give me medication to help it so it doesn't get any worse. So we can't exactly have sex anymore which is kind of a bummer cause're a god but I still get to live!" I say enthusiastically.

Marvin smiles the biggest he has for a long while. "That's amazing, donut. I'm so proud of you for passing through this," he kisses my nose and I giggle.

"I love you so much, Marvin. Thank you for being here when I was sick," I say, truthfully. I'm really thankful I have him for a boyfriend (and hopefully soon husband).

"No, honey, thank you for being here when I broke up with you for what? Two years? That was a long time ago and I never want to go through it again," he shivers at the thought.

"Well, you won't have to. Cause I'm not planning on breaking up with you anytime soon," I say. He starts to get a little more nervous after I say that.

"Marvin? What's wrong?" I ask, getting worried he IS going to break up with me.

"Whizzer, donut, I love you so so much, and you know that. And now you're getting better! That's amazing. The time I spent without you for those two years were the worst years of my whole life. I never want to go through it again. And you being here sick had me so so worried and I was so anxious that just one day I would get a call from the doctor saying you passed away. And...and I really want to be with you for the rest of my life. So Whizzer," he gets down on one knee next to the bed. Tears start to gather in my eyes.

"Will you give me the privilege to be your husband? Well, not exactly husband since we can't get married...but something like that?" Marvin asks.

I could jump out of this stupid hospital bed and just run into his arms.

"Yes!" I say very loudly.

"Yes! Marvin, I love you!" Tears start to flow out of my eyes because of how much joy I'm experiencing right now.

"Thank god," Marvin stands up and hugged me. "I was so worried you were going to say no because we can't exactly get married," he says.

"How could I say no, silly?" I hug back.

"I love you, Whizzer," he says. And he means it, too. I could tell

"I love you too, Marvin. With all my heart."

Word count - 724

Yayay I love WhizzVin

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