Chapter 19

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Julie's POV

The setup was like a human wedding without the ordain with two columns on each side of the aisle with chairs in rows for people to watch. There is a bouquet of white lilies on the end of each row. Different packs' Alphas and Lunas came from all around the world to see their new Queen and Luna be crowned. I walk down the aisle in awe at how beautiful everything looks and that Derek put this together. There is a platform where the ceremony will be held so that the people can see and behind it is a forest where we will run as a pack to have the Moon Goddess bestow her approval on me. Derek is waiting at the top looking handsome with his black suit with a white undershirt and black tie. He has a lily in his coat pocket to keep the theme. 

He stares at me with love and pride in his eyes. His eyes roam over my body looking at the dress before he looks me in the eyes and I see them darken a little in lust. I can't wait to have him to myself tonight and finally be mated together. I continue down the path until I reach the steps and take each one slowly lifting my dress a little so I don't trip on it. That would be embarrassing. 

Derek reaches his hand out and I place mine in his. I stand in front of him but at a side angle for the people watching. They all sit down as I place my other hand in his. He gives me a smile and I return it before he starts the ceremony. 

"Julie Woods, daughter of Head Warrior Brent Woods and Warrior Lucy Woods of the Blue Crescent Moon pack, you have been chosen by the Moon Goddess to be my mate and Queen of Werewolves. This high honor comes with respect, love, and acceptance, as well as trials, hardship, and disapproval. Being the Queen Luna is no easy task. You are to serve and guide the people of this pack and all others. To act as a mother, sister, or a listening ear. To rule fairly with me at your side. If you choose to accept this gracious gift bestowed on you by the Moon Goddess and be my mate until the end of our days, then I will love you with all my heart and soul and we will rule this land together. If you do not want to be the Queen and Luna to our kind, then you will die a painful death of rejection while I wait for my rightful mate to come and accept this great honor."

Derek pauses in his speech when he hears people gasp about me dying by rejection if I don't be Queen. Then he continues his last question, "What do you choose, Julie Woods?"

"I accept the position, duty, and responsibilities of Queen and Luna of Werewolves, and I accept you, Derek Gold, as my mate and the love of my life. I promise to rule fairly and love whole heartily," I proclaim with confidence. 

"Now to make it official, I need to cut both our hands and share blood with each other to welcome you in the pack. Then we will run with the pack when the moon is at its peak for the Mood Goddess to grant your acceptance." Derek grabs the knife that was set aside and cuts his hand and as he reaches for mine, a wolf busts through the trees behind us and snarls. It is follow by a lot more than the guy I hate most in this world walks into the light.  

"Hello, my sweet mate. How I have missed you. You belong to me, not that good for nothing dog," Fred growls out with disgust present in his voice. The sight of him makes me shudder and him proclaiming me as his, makes me nauseous.

"You rejected me, you bastard! Not only that but you banished me from the pack. Made me a rogue because I wasn't a slut that you could control. I am glad that you rejected me because now I have Derek and he cares and respects me. Unlike you, you sexist prick!" I bellow out. I have angry tears running down my face. I hate this man so much. He destroyed my life and now he wants to ruin the best thing that has happened to me.

I look over and see Derek shaking in anger. His eyes have turned black with means that Max is present wanting to rip out Fred's throat. Max speaks in a scary clam voice, "I will give you one chance to leave and never bother me or Julie again and I will let you go without punishment of treason. If you stay and stand against me, then I can't guarantee your life or safety against my wrath. Either you will die in the battle or be captured and torture for the rest of your life. Choose wisely, scum."

Many of the rogues that Fred brought start to back down after Max's declaration and want to leave, but Fred speaks up, "If you leave then I will hunt you down and kill you after I kill your mates when I win this battle and take my mate back." They look at Fred with fear in their eyes and stand strong against us once again. 

"I gave you a chance. Guards, warriors, Alphas, Lunas, and my people, I ask you to fight with me as I fight for my mate and against these rogues that wish to come into my pack. What do you say?" Everyone in the crowd stands or shifts. They will fight with their King for their new Queen. 

"If you hand over my mate then there doesn't need to be blood shed," Fred tries to reason. Derek, or Max, shifts into his pure black wolf that stand at 7 feet tall whereas others are 6 feet tall. He bares his teeth and gives a deep growl before bounding towards Fred. Everyone follows him into battle. Please stay away from the battle. I need to know you will be safe, Derek mind links me. Of course, I say back.

"This way, my Queen," a warrior says as he stands beside me. I nod and follow him back towards the palace. I know that Derek is strong and can take care of himself, so I need to be out of the way so he can focus on the battle and not on my whereabouts. I stand surrounded by warriors watching the battle go on in front of me. I see Derek taking out rogues that stand in his way of getting to Fred. It seems that most of the casualties are rogues so that is good. 

I look around and see members of my old pack fighting for Fred because they are forced to and it makes me sad that they have no choice in the matter. Fred probably used his Alpha command to make them fight. I don't see my parents which is weird because usually they are at the front of battles. Where are they? 

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