Chapter 7

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Julie's POV

The couple walks over to us, and the men do their bro hug thing. Derek gives the woman a hug and gives her a kiss on the cheek. I feel Crystal growling at her. Mate is mine. She says. Derek is just being friendly. I tell Crystal to calm her down. They all look over at me, and Derek starts the introductions.

"Julie, this is my Beta, Xavier, and his mate, Maria. Guys, this is my mate, Julie."

Xavier is just as tall as Derek standing around 6'4", and his green eyes are just lighter than Derek's. They would look like brothers if Xavier didn't have dark brown skin and short black hair. He is wearing a white button-up contrasting his black slacks and dress shoes. Maria is a little shorter than me around 5'5". She has curly black hair and beautiful silver eyes that shine in the light. She has a strapless pale green high-low dress. They both have their marks right above their collar bone on their right side. It is a ying-yang symbol with wolf in them with each other's initials under it. Every werewolf gets the same mark, but the royals get their own mark. 

Maria gives me a hug and whispers, "We are going to be best friends

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Maria gives me a hug and whispers, "We are going to be best friends. I can already tell that you are a great person and will be a perfect Queen." She gives me a squeeze then lets go of me, and Xavier takes her place giving me a huge bear hug.

"I am so glad Derek finally found his mate. He wouldn't shut up about it. But, I would be over the moon if I could call you sister. I mean if you don't feel comfortable right now, we could work up to it eventually but it is totally your choice." I feel a pull to Xavier, and Crystal says we are meant to be bond siblings. Derek cuts in when Xavier lets go of me and says, "Don't overwhelm her already."

"I would love to call you brother, Xavier. I can feel the pull between us, " I reply to Xavier. His face breaks out into a huge smile, and he hugs me again and spins me around while saying, "Yyyeeesss. I love you, sister." I laugh and say, "I love you too, brother." Derek and Maria are smiling at us the whole time. Xavier puts me down, and we go to the table to eat.

Derek sits at the head of the table with Xavier on his left, me on his right, and Maria sits next to Xavier. I am sitting across from the windows and the view is gorgeous. The palace is on top of a hill, and you can see the bustling town at the bottom. The sun is not completely out of view yet, but it is still a sight to see. Maids bring in wine for us, but me being 18 I just get root beer. Next to come out is steak with a baked potato  and a house salad for each of us. 

We begin eating, and the guys make small talk about the pack. I ask Maria her age, and says that she is 22. She tells me that she has a little sister, Sophia, and her parents live in town. She is such a sweet girl, and I know that we will get along just fine. When I start explain how I met Derek, the boys stop talking and listen to the story. Xavier and Maria look like they want kill.

"Calm down guys. I am alright. I am happy that they rejected me, because then I wouldn't have found Derek and met you," I say to try and calm them down.

Xavier takes a deep breaths and says, "Those pups are idiots to reject you, but I am sorta glad they did so that we could have met you. From what I have seen, you are a great person and for you to go through all of that means that you are so strong. I am so grateful to have you as a sister." My heart swells when I hear that, and I start crying tears of joy.

Derek quickly gets out of his chair and moves my chair to the side and crouches down in front of me and says, "What's wrong, baby? Please don't cry." Xavier looks upset, and Maria looks concerned. "I am so happy that he said that to me. I love you guts so much. Thank you for loving me and not thinking that I am disgusting or leave me." Derek, Xavier, and Maria look so happy that I sais that, and Derek comes up and gives me a quick kiss. "Alright enough of that. Let's eat and talk about something else."

Derek moves my chair back around to the table, and I wipe the last of my tears. Derek gets back into his seat, and we begin to eat again. After a few bites,  I ask, "Why is the mansion so big? I mean why is there a hospital in here?"

Derek finishes chewing and replies, "The pack house is to the left of the palace, and this is the royal palace. Mostly warriors and omegas live in the pack house, because they work in or around the palace. Most of the pack lives near town, but the main hospital is part of the pack house. The pack house and the palace are connected s people may come and go to work easily."

"I get it. It gives the works easier commute to work, and if warriors get hurt then they are closer to medical attention."

"Exactly. In the case of an attack, there is a metal wall that divides the pack house and the palace to protect us." 

"So where do you live?" I ask Xavier and Maria.

Xavier replies, "We live on the opposite of the palace from you."

"Yeah. The king and queen have their own wing of the palace to themselves," Maria says suggestively and that makes me blush and cover my face with my hands. 

"Maria, don't tease Julie. I want to be the only one to make her blush," Derek says shyly.

"I see that hickey you left on her neck," Maria points out. I blush even harder, and Xavier starts laughing at me. 

"It's a love bite, and I am very proud of it. Now everyone knows she is taken," Derek states proudly.

"Men," Maria mutters.

"You know you love it when I do it to you," Xavier brings up. Maria is now the one blushing, and I have clamed down. We look at each other and bust out laughing. This is the first time I have ever had so much fun with other people. I already know that I am going to love it here. I wonder what my life will be like living here. 

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