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I walked through the tall double doors to Ryder's house, I followed close behind him as he lead me to the kitchen.

The mess from this morning was all cleaned up by Martha. She did a great job it looked like we had never had been there.

"Flo?" Ryder asked sitting down at the counter.

I looked up at him, shoving my hands in my hoodie pocket.

"Yeah?" I replied.

He gets up and makes a beeline straight for the fridge. He rummages around in search for food.

A second later and he slams the fridge closed with a loud dramatic sigh.

"You hungry?" He asks as his belly grumbles.

"I can order something." He adds.

"I'm fine, thank you." I say politely declining.

"You don't eat much, do you?" He asked.

I shook my head but remained silent.

"I'm going to order a pizza, if you change your mind." He simply states whipping out his phone.

He began dialling a number and soon started murmuring into the phone.

I quickly shot upstairs to where my temporary room is, quickly gathering my things and shoving them into my bag.

If I quickly sprint downstairs I can get out of here before Ryder gets off the phone, I'll find somewhere else to stay.

I briefly fixed the bed up and ran downstairs, I shot past Ryder without him seeing me, I make it to the door and start quietly turning the front door knob, then opening it.

I jumped in fright when I pretty much almost collided with an older looking lady, probably in her late thirties or early forties, she had shoulder length blonde hair and bright blue eyes, much like Ryder's.

She looked kind.

"Oh, uhh sorry." I said nervously, realizing I'm in her way.

"Don't be sorry, sweetie." She smiled.

"You must be one of Ryder's girlfriends." She added.

My eyes widened at what she said "oh I- uhm, I'm not – "

"Hey mum. What're you doing here?" Ryder's voice appeared making me feel much more nervous, knowing he just caught me mid trying to escape.

"I just got back from Canada, I'm back off tomorrow for a few days." She explained.

Business trips I'm assuming.

"This is Flo, she'll be staying with us for a while." Ryder stated like it was nothing.

My eyes grew even wider, "actually I-"

"Of course!" Ryder's mother said excitedly almost dropping her bags.

"It'll be great to have another girl in the house." She added with a smile.

I smiled warmly, grateful for her kindness yet I just wanted to leave.

"Thank you, Mrs Fox." I thanked her.

She waved her hand, "don't be silly call me Glenda."

I smiled again for what felt like the millionth time.

"Ryder honey could you please take my bags upstairs." She asked rubbing her temples.

"Yes mother." He said plainly and took the bags and went back inside.

Glenda follows Ryder in straight away and goes into the kitchen, I follow her and sit at the counter and put my bag down on the floor.

"So why were you trying to leave if you are staying here for a while?" Glenda raises an eyebrow at me while making herself a cup of tea.

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