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Three days.

It's been three fucking days since I last saw my precious flower.

She looked perfect, her short dirty blonde hair tied up in a messy bun, surprisingly my hoodie fell to her knees as she was a lot smaller than me, she also had some grey sweatpants on which I'm sure she was probably dying in as it was an oddly warm day.

The moment I found out she had runaway again fucking hurt.

I was already worrying at the fact she wasn't waiting at the front of the school carpark for me, I waited there for what felt like hours for her when I realised, she wasn't coming.

So, I messaged Maze, to see if Flo was with her but she texted me back almost immediately that she wasn't with her, I started to panic as I drove as fast as I could back to my house to make sure that flower wasn't at home.

God every inch of me wished and hoped that she was at home, that she was safe.

I remember running into the house and yelling her name as loud as I could, frantically running up the stairs and looking in every room for her beautiful face but that never happened, as the house was completely empty. 

So, I slowly made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen and that's when my eyes landed on a big envelop with my name written in Flo's scrappy handwriting. There was also a letter which sat next to the envelope, I picked it up and read it,


I don't know where to start, I'd like to keep this short and sweet as by the time you read this I'll be gone and I won't be coming back. I just wanted to say thank you for all that you have done for me well more specifically for letting me come into your house and live here for free, buying me clothes and of course paying for meals and whatever I've needed or wanted. Right next to this letter is all the money I owe you, it's all their Ry, I promised you I would pay you back and I have. I guess this is goodbye.

Sincerely Flo.

My body shook from the many mixed emotions that pumped through my veins. Worry, betrayal, anger and hurt. I couldn't believe what I had just read, I didn't want too.

I really did believe she was done with running away. She has everything here, she has food, a warm bed, a roof over her head and most importantly, me.

I remembered that it was a Friday and that she normally has work on Fridays after school. I only remember because I never do anything on Friday afternoons, well to tell the truth, I simply sit on the couch and watch as the clock ticks away until I have to leave to go and pick Flo up from the café.

Sad, I know but I miss her when she's not around me. When she's not snuggled up in my arms.

So that's why I've probably got at least two speeding tickets as I near the café. I try to keep calm and hope that she's working and she just got a lift with someone else. As I step into the café im met with a familiar face. Jay Brooks.

Now I wouldn't class jay as my friend, he's more of an acquaintance now. We used to talk and see each other all the time as he was best friends with my brother, but he moved away when he died. Now I only see him when I come into the café, that's not often.

"Hey Jay, how are you man?" I asked as he looked up at me from the ground.

That's odd.

"Yeah, I'm good man, what about you? You look a little worried." he said.

"Oh, its Flo. She wasn't waiting for me at school this afternoon and she wasn't at home, but she left me a weird note." I explained to him, making sure to be careful with my wording but I couldn't control the concerned tone in my voice.

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