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As we jumped out of mazes black sports car we were met with a big apartment block, it was made of off white cement bricks and had black trims that tried to make it look nice but it failed miserably as the sides of the building were spray painted with obvious gang related tags and disgusting words.

As we walked through the old scary parking lot and towards the building I instantly remembered it. I remembered walking past it to get to school. How could I forget it.

We slowly made our way to the entrance, the once green well looked after front garden was now overgrown ugly weeds, the paint on the door leading to the inside of the once beautiful apartment block was all chipped.

It looked like most of the buildings in the area. Run down and ugly. It was really sad this neighbourhood used to be beautiful but now it's just full of crime and danger.

I still had one question. Why would Maze love here? She has a nice car and obviously a good income from what I have no idea but still she obviously makes a lot of money from whatever she does.

"Home sweet home." She smiles walking up to an old wooden door, with chipped red paint and the number '6' in silver nailed to the door.

She opened the door and walked through, I followed her closely as she turned on the lights and closed the door behind us.

I was met with a studio apartment, meaning there were no rooms and it's all together in open space.

Just like the outside the inside was much the same. On the floor there was fake dark grey tiles which was supposed to try and make the space look some what expensive but yet again failed.

To the left of the room there was a small kitchenette, which had a few dishes sitting in the sink, the small kitchen was white but had a few scuff marks on the side of the cupboards. In front of the kitchen was a small wooden table that could only fit no more then four people. On the table sat a few letters and newspapers and to my surprise a dead plant.

I could never keep one of those things alive. They would always die because I forgot to water it and make sure it had sun.

In the centre of the room was a small tv resting on an old wooden cabinet. There was also a small coffee table that was sitting on top of a rug. In front of the tv was a fabric two seater couch.

Then to the right was mazes double bed which was up against the wall, it wasn't made, the blankets sprawled all over the place and the sheet was also pulled off a little exposing the mattress. Then on on the wall in-front of her bed was a small set of drawers.

The thing that amazed me the most was that she had a massive wall high window that goes from the kitchen back to the door. It was really pretty it showed off the city lights and the nearby forest.

"So what do you think?" Maze asks excitedly.

"I love it." I said happily.

I can't complain, it was a lot nicer than my dads house.

"So you wanna order some pizza?" She asks, putting her bag and keys on the table.

"Yeah sure." I smiled sitting down on the couch.

"Please excuse the mess." She said shyly looking around the place.

"It's not even messy, don't worry about it." I smiled as Maze called the pizza place.

"Hey patty's pizza parlour?" She asked as I zoned out and looked down at my phone.

Nothing. The lock screen was completely blank except for the wallpaper which was a picture of when we all had gone to the beach.

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