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'That's got to be the millionth time I've walked past that tree.' I thought to myself as I walked past another tall, creepy looking tree.

I swear I've been walking for hours and in circles, I feel like I'm not getting any closer to home and it's starting to stress me out. All I want to do is go for a shower and scrub away at any part of skin that Jace put his grubby lips on, then cuddle Ryder in his bed while playing with his dark brown silky hair and then finally falling asleep in his warm and safe embrace. It sounded perfect

But I couldn't as I was most likely walking in circles, with no phone to call anyone for help and to make matters worse it was dark. I've always hated the dark even when I was little, I think it was the nervous, uneasy feeling of not knowing for sure what was there or maybe it was the way my imagination liked to play tricks on me and make me think someone or something was there with me or behind me.

I kept walking just hoping and praying that I would find something that could give me a sign that I'm going the right way or at least close to Ryder's house when I noticed a very familiar opened space that held something that made me almost cry out in tears, happy ones may I add.

The park, which contains the bench.

I wanted to cry, scream and more dramatically run over and kiss it. All out of happiness as I could finally get home and get off of the scary dark streets and into bed and hopefully cuddle Ryder.


I'm almost certain it's midnight or some ungodly hour of the night, Ryder's probably at home freaking out calling every one of his friends to come and help find me, he's done it before it wouldn't surprise me if he does it again; or he maybe he doesn't even care and went to sleep thinking I would be home soon or getting a lift from Jace.

Little does he know.

My legs ached as I kept taking fast-paced steps towards Ryder's house, I had finally made it into his neighbourhood, now all I had to do was walk up a slight hill and I was pretty much there. There was no way I could get my butt up that hill, my ankles felt like they would buckle at any time and my shoulder started to hurt from my bag being on it.

"Just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimmng all you have to do is swim." I mumbled under my breath remembering that silly thing that Dory from Finding Nemo said to Merlon.

"Why am I like this." I sighed under my breath as I started walking up the hill.

I tried not to think about walking up the hill, I tried not to think about how my body was starting to really hurt from the constant weight on my shoulders and the continuous walking for what felt like a good few hours.

Within a good few minutes I was finally up the hill, almost gasping for air and a cold drink when I realized that I was only a couple houses away from Ryder's when I noticed that all the lights were still turned on in a house, it seemed to light up the whole front yard and into the other persons house. Then I realized it could only be one person's house, well mansion. Ryder's.

I walked up to the front door, if it wasn't for my now hushed breaths, I probably wouldn't have heard the light yelling coming from inside the house. I quickly grabbed out my house key and quietly opened the door, all the lights were on as if he was waiting up for me but the yelling seemed to stop as I walked in soundlessly.

I shut the door quietly behind me and put down my bag at the door as I crept around towards the kitchen, I still couldn't see anyone which worried me slightly but the yelling still seemed to have stopped, this majorly scared me.

"No!" yelled a voice echoing out of the living room.

It was followed by some soft murmurs but I still couldn't see anyone or make out the voices that seemed to be having a very serious conversation about something strange.

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