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Today is the day I've been dreading for quite a while now. Its finally our prom day and the second last day of school.

I'm currently sitting at Mazes desk while she pokes and prods my face with make-up brushes. We've been doing this for at least half an hour now and I'm pretty sure she's not even near done.

"If you keep moving, you're going to end up looking like a damn crazy lady." Maze said putting a hand on her hip and waving her make brush at me.

"I just want to get this over with already." I groaned.

I was nervous to say the least, I didn't even want to go to this stupid school prom. In my opinion prom is pretty much just a whole day well only a few hours for pretty much all the girls in your grade showing off all their fancy bags well accessories and having a competition to see who had the most expensive dress and prettiest dress.

It's definitely not my scene so hopefully Ryders in the same boat and we can quickly ditch it after ten minutes and go home to watch Netflix or something.

"Well if you would just sit still for just a while longer, you'll be able to go and get this night over with." she said somehow being able to read my mind.

I let out and ungodly groan and let her continue attacking my face with her brushes and other make up related utensils. Within another long hour or two Maze had finally completed not just my make-up but her own as well, she didn't want me to look at mine until her make-up was done and when I was in my dress.

"Okay I think I'm finished, let's go put on our dresses and the boys should almost be here." She said as she put down her little beauty mirror revealing a Smokey eye type of look that she had painted on her face.

It was incredible to say the least. I'm sure mine would be equally stunning.

I grabbed my dress from Maze who had already taken it off of the hanger. I quickly thanked her and ran into the bathroom to start putting it on, I didn't wear a bra with it as the back was exposed and it would just look silly if I wore one.

Once I had it on, but not done up, I saw maze looking at herself in the mirror, she looked absolutely gorgeous in her black dress.

"Woah look at you!" I gawked, "You mind doing me up?"

"Says you!" she almost squealed, "Only if you do the same."

I allowed her to zip up the back of my dress and once she was done, she turned around so I could tie up the lace on her dress. It took all of five minutes and that's when we heard a knock on her apartment door.

"Coming!" she yelled as she rushed over to the door.

Once she opened the door Ryder and Will's faces were both seen, they both managed to have the same emotion sparkling in their eyes, adoration.

"Well don't just stand there say something." Maze snapped at them.

"Woah, you guys look gorgeous." Will breathed out.

"Absolutely stunning." Ryder managed to get out.

"Well we are ready to go and get this night over with if you guys are." Maze stated.

"Yeah of course, let's go." Will said as we all left the apartment and towards their cars.

"You look absolutely stunning baby." Ryder whispered in my ear which sent shivers done my spine.

"Thank you so do you." I said as I got into the front seat of his range rover.

Within half an hour of plan chatter and Wills lame jokes we finally made it to prom, which was being held at the school in the gym, fancy I know.

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