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I was scrolling through pointless, time wasting videos when there was a soft knock on my door.

"Come in." I call out as I peak my head out my blankets.

It was none other than Ryder. He was wearing his normal home clothes which consisted of grey nike sweat pants and no shirt.

He didn't look like his normal happy and energetic self this morning, he looked like he had a real rough night, like he only got an hours sleep.

He didn't say a word as he came in and plonked himself down onto my bed next to me.

"Can I help you?" I asked a little confused as to why he was in my room and more specifically in my room with no shirt on.

"I was going to ask you something but I forgot." He whines as he wrapped his arm around me.

This boy is way to comfortable.

"Well let me know when you remember." I laughed going back to watching random videos.

It had been at least an hour before I realized that Ryder was dead asleep, with his arm wrapped firmly around my waist.

"Ryder." I whispered.

"Ryder wake up." I said a bit louder and in return a got a soft snore and his arm tighten around me.

"Ryder Fox!" I yelled.

"What." He whines out, moving himself closer to me so he could nuzzle his head into the crook of my neck.

I swear that's all he does.

"You we're trying to remember something and you fell asleep." I laughed.

"Oh shit sorry. Maze, Alex, will and I were wondering you would want to come to the beach with us." He said as his warm breath hit my neck.

"No it's okay, I don't want to intrude on you guys, go have fun." I smiled.

"To bad I told them you would love too." He smirked evilly.

"Fine but can I bring a friend?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." He said sarcastically.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"We are going to sunset cove. The beach there is the best, wear a bikini too." He said letting go of me and sitting up.

"Um excuse me." I laughed at his devilish smirk.

"Clothes over it of course unless you wanna skinny dip." He winked.

"No way." I said screwing up my face in disgust.

"Damn was worth a try, go get ready I'll meet you downstairs in ten." He smirked walking out of my room shutting the door.

I got up and walked over to my drawers, I spent a good five minutes trying to find something to wear when I finally decided on a black triangle shaped top and black bottoms that had an extra strap that went up to my waist making my already small waist seem impossibly smaller.

I then slid on some light washed denim high waisted shorts and a cropped white USA shirt.

I made my way down the stairs and I was met with Ryder he had a black shirt and pale blue swim trunks.

"Ready?" He asked as he picked up a beach bag that contained beach towels and probably sunscreen.

"Ready." I confirmed, following him to his Range Rover.

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