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I get woken up out of my peaceful sleep by a ray of sunlight piercing it's way through the medium sized window frame.

I stretch my arms above my head and let out a yawn. I kick back the warm blankets and straight away regret it as I'm instantly get hit by the cold air.

My arms and legs prickle with goosebumps.

I decide that it's time to get out of bed and I gaze at my appearance in the full length mirror near the door.

My once purple bruises are gone and my skin is starting to go back to its lightly tanned tone.

I think look at my hair. It was absolutely horrifying to say the least. I'm about to brush through it when a voice cuts through the silent room.

"What the fuck is on your head?" Ryder asks as if it's the scariest thing in the world.

"It was a rough night." I said with an eye roll and then taking the hairbrush and trying to brush through my mid length blonde hair.

I was definitely struggling, it's never been this bad before.

"You need some help there?" He asks leaning against the door frame with no shirt on and his famous grey sweat pants.

"Do you ever wear a shirt?" I ask still trying to brush through the nots.

"It's my house. I normally don't wear pants either so be happy I'm wearing some." He smirks walking towards me and snatch's the hairbrush from my hand.

"Hey give it back." I whine.

"You'll be here all day let me." He says as he gently starts brushing my hair.

Ten minutes later and he's fully brushed out my hair. The whole time he was being so gentle making sure he didn't pull to hard. He honestly did it way faster than I ever have.

"Thank you." I say as he hands me the brush.

"Anytime gorgeous, now get dressed we have school in twenty." He says exiting my room and shutting the door behind him.


It's been exactly ten minutes and I'm down in the lounge room waiting for Ryder to finish getting ready.

I had decided to wear an oversized grey hoodie, black ripped jeans and then my old black high top converse.

"Ready?" Ryder asks coming down the stairs.

He's wearing his normal clothes. White shirt that hugs his arms perfectly, black jeans with a clean rip on both knees and lastly his famous leather jacket.

I nod my head and follow him into the garage and wait for him to unlock his Range Rover.

The drive is a short ten minutes but turns into a five minute drive as Ryder thinks he's either playing grand theft auto or apart of the fast an furious.

We both get out of the car as Ryder perfectly parks his car in his supposed car park in the school parking lot.

We walk through the doors and go straight to our lockers, grabbing books for our first class which is sadly maths.

Yep the class that got me a detention with the bad boy.

We walk in and take our seats and wait for the grumpy old teacher to start her class.

It's almost half an hour into the class and all we have done is take notes and watch a few boring maths videos.

Trust me it's more painful then it sounds.

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