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I looked at my phone, its bright screen lighting up in my face, I squinted trying to see the numbers shining on the screen, it read out 11:49.

All night I had been trying to figure out if I should go to my mother's spot or just to stay here in the safety of Ryder's house.

Half of me wanted to go, I deny that for a second. I wanted to see what this mysterious person wanted, who it was and how they knew about the spot.

It crossed my mind that it could be my father and it could be a trap, a way for him to bring me back to his house and keep being his punching bag and maid.

There was no way I could risk it, I couldn't go back. I love it here I feel safe and protected here.

I couldn't leave Alex, he always manages to make me laugh and that hasn't happened in years.

I couldn't leave Maze either even though we are still getting to know each other I can tell we are going to be great friend.

I also couldn't leave Will there is something about him I feel like we are somehow very similar and I'm determined to get to know him it's going to be a slow process but it will be worth it I'm sure of it.

Lastly there's Ryder I can't leave him, he's already done so much for me, has made me feel so safe and provided me with everything that I need but I'm still going to pay him back whether he likes it or not.

So that's why I'm deciding not to go, I couldn't risk never seeing my friends ever again because if it was my dad and he does take me back then who knows when I'll get another chance to escape.

So that brings me to now waking up in my big warm bed to the smell of bacon?

I push the toasty warm covers off of me and make my way down to the kitchen. Once I was down there, I was instantly engulfed with the smell of bacon, it smelt so good it made my belly grumble.

I walked further into the kitchen and that's where I found Ryder perfectly cooking crispy bacon and buttering toast.

"Morning Flower." His raspy morning voice said as his back was still facing me.

"Morning, want some help?" I asked feeling the need to help.

"No, I'm pretty much done." he said putting bacon onto the toast.

I took a second to take in his gorgeous appearance, his hair was messy, sticking up in multiple direction, he had no shirt on surprise surprise, his perfectly sun kissed back was on show it was toned perfectly in all the right places as were his buff arms and then lastly, he was wearing his famous grey sweatpants.

"Is that drool I see? Oh my god flower! Were you checking me out?" Ryder says dramatically teasing me as he turns around with two plates both containing toast and then a massive pile of bacon topped with another piece of toast.

"I-I was n-not." I stuttered desperately wiping my mouth for any drool.

"Your cute when you worry." he laughed taking a bite of his food.

"I'm glad you think so." I said rolling my eyes and taking a bite of my food.

We sat in silence for a few minutes just eating our delicious breakfast, Ryder had managed to pretty much eat his in what seemed like two bites but was probably only nine or ten bites. I on the other hand was only half way and already full. I looked up and I was met with Ryder's hazel eyes, they then darted down to my food.

"Hey um Flo?" Ryder asked slowly from the other side of the counter.

"Yes Ryder?" I asked raising an eyebrow knowing exactly what he's going to say.

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