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The bright Sunday's that slid through the blinds shone straight onto my face as as someone stirred behind me.

Wait a minute what happened.

Suddenly all the events of last night came crashing back, flooding my mind of what had happened, the note, then meeting the person that turns out to be my dad, him wanting to bring me back home, then Ryder coming out of no where and then for the finally my dad saying Ryder is a gang leader.

I popped both of my eyes open as I realised I wasn't in fact in my bed. I was in Ryder's. The gang leaders.

I threw his hand that was wrapped around my waist and jumped up from his bed.

"What are you doing come back." Ryder's morning voice said softly as he rubbed his eyes.

"No! Get away from me." I said shakily.

"What why?" He asked worriedly, sitting up against the bedhead and exposing his bare chest.

"You're, you're." I stuttered nervously.

"I'm I'm what?" He asked mimicking me.

"A gang leader." I whispered but just loud enough so he could hear.

"Oh that." He says just as quiet.

"You probably have guns and drugs in your bedside table drawer." I said making up a false conclusion.

"Not true." He says slowly reaching over to the slightly open drawer and shutting it.

"My point exactly." I said as he got up from his bed.

"I'm a gang leader Flo, I need to protect myself some how." He said coming closer to me as I backed away from him.

"So you admit it?" I asked getting anxious at how close he was getting and at how dangerous he is.

"So all because you know I'm a gang leader now your going to treat me different? I'm still the same old Ryder." He said whispering the last part.

"D-don't come a-any closer." I stuttered as my heart raced from the nervousness feeling I had in my stomach.

"Flo." He said ignoring me and reaching for me as I flinched away from his hand.

"What the hell! You really think I would hurt you that much?" He yelled angrily.

"Ry-" I said instantly feeling bad as I  got cut off.

"No fucking save it I might hurt you or some stupid shit like that!" He yelled leaving his room and within a few seconds his motorbike roars to life, leaving the garage and speeding down the street.

I was shocked to say the least, I didn't mean to flinch it's just the thought that he's a gang leader. He's dangerous and could hurt me anytime he wanted but then the words 'I'm still the same old Ryder.' Kept repeating through my head.

The Ryder that I've become to know would never hurt me unless he tried killing me by tickling me or making me laugh until I stop breathing but what if I piss him off and he gets mad and then decides to hurt me.

Like my dad used to.

I forced myself to unfreeze myself from my spot in Ryder's room, one step led to another and I found myself in my room grabbing out my bag and shoving all my clothes in their.

I threw out all my old ones as I bought a whole heap of new ones when I had gone to the shops with maze. I honestly miss that day so much but I won't miss the way my feet and arms aches from walking and carrying so many bags.

I left my phone behind on my freshly made bed, I was leaving, I couldn't let Ryder find out and contact me yelling for me to come back, even though I'm pretty sure he hates my guts.

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