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R Y D E R ' S P O V

"I love you flower." I cried out as tears ran down my face.

I held Flo's half lifeless body in my arms tightly as she her eyes had fluttered shut. My white shirt was soaked in her red blood which I had been holding to the gunshot wound on her chest.

"Ryder their here!" Maze yelled out to me as two people came running into the warehouse and over to me where I was sitting, clutching Flo's body protectively to mine.

"Please help her!" I tried to yell out to them but I'm sure it just sounded like a whole heap of random words as I couldn't stop my trembling jaw and gross crying noises.

"Here can you place her up on the stretcher?" The lady asked as they had wheeled in a stretcher bed with them.

I slowly got up from the floor with Flo's small body dangling in my arms. I placed her gently onto the stretcher and took a step back as they quickly did a small examination on her.

"She's still breathing, we have to get her to the hospital now, if she has any chance of surviving." The man said as they quickly pushed the stretcher Flo was on out of the doors and up into the ambulance.

"Who's coming with us in the ambulance?" The lady asked from the back of the ambulance as the man ran around to get into the driver's side at the front of the vehicle.

"Go Ryder, we will follow behind." Will said as I hurriedly jumped into the back of the ambulance.

I shut the doors behind me and then we were moving pretty much straight away, the sirens were on and you could feel the vehicle start to pick up speed. I watched carefully as the lady started hooking Flo up to numerous monitors and tubes.

"What happened?" she asked softly as she opened up a gauze pad and held it onto Flo's chest wound.

Um well you see, I was trying to save the girl I lobe from her psychotic father, he pulled a gun on me and she pushed me out of the way when he pulled the trigger therefore, she got shot, oh I'm also a gang leader.

"It's a long story, but all you need to know is that she got shot in the chest." I said not making any eye contact with her, all I could look at was Flo.

Fuck she better be okay.

"Is she your girlfriend?" She asked me softly as we neared the closest hospital which was Sunset Cove.

"Yeah, she is." I said looking down at Flo's bloody body.

"She's very lucky." she said as one of the monitors started beeping.

"What's that?" I asked worriedly as the vehicle stopped.

"She's going into cardiac arrest!" she yelled as the man opened up the back of the ambulance.

"Fuck what does that mean?! Is she going to be okay?!" I yelled as I could feel the tears start brimming in my eyes again.

They didn't say anything as they were to focused on hooking her up to a box that I think they called a defibrillator.

"Clear!" The lady yelled as the defibrillator shocked Flo's small body.

"She's losing blood fast; we need to get her into the operating room!" She yelled as they wheeled her out of the vehicle and into the back of the hospital, I followed close behind as they ran through the hospital door, where nurses suddenly surrounded the bed that Flo laid on, helping with pushing her through the hospital.

"Doctor Garcia, is ready in operating room three." One of the nurses puffed as they held two cream coloured double doors open.

"Hey sir you can't go back there." A male nurse said as he held me back from following the stretcher that held my half lifeless flower.

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