Chapter 4

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There's gonna be httyd 2 spoilers in this chapter.


Hiccup's POV

Men poured onto the sand and took out weapons. None of them made any moves though. Then out from the crowd emerged a man with black dreadlocks, scars all over his face, and a dragon skin cloak covering his right arm. He carried a spear the size of him. Well I'll give him credit, he has the 'merciless-killer' look. I landed with Toothless but stayed behind the Berk soldiers.

"Ah Berk. Just as I remembered it." He boomed. He has this scratchy, croaky voice that would give any Viking the chills. Gave me a shiver.

"Drago." I heard my dad whisper. I decided to stand next to him. I took off my helmet and got a better look at this guy. Yep. Scary.

"Stoick. I've missed you." Drago said with sarcasm.

"Leave Drago." Dad commanded. I really don't think that is gonna work, but can't do anything about it now.

"Not without taking over this place." He pointed his spear towards the soldiers. His army began to flood towards us. I backed up and onto Toothless.

I flew up to where my mom was and gave her the signal. She held her staff above her head and the bewilderbeast emerged from behind the mountain. The soldiers halted for a second, then kept flooding. There were men attacking men, dragons attacking men, and men trapping dragons. Toothless and I did our best to free every dragon form traps using plasma blasts. As I was flying low to the ground I was forced to stop when a line of zippleback gas crossed my path. I looked in the direction of where it went and saw... the twins?

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them once I got next to Ruffnut.

"You really think we would miss out on a fight this big?!" The both shouted. Wow. That awkward moment when the twins actually make sense.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked. I was answered when I saw a group of dragons fly by, lead by a deadly nadder. Oh of course. I flew next to Stormfly. "It's really not safe for you out here." I said as I lifted my face shield.

"Oh c'mon Hiccup I'll be fine. I would worry about the people down there not up here." She said.

"Just don't get trapped okay? And no getting hurt I swear to Thor if you get hurt during this you won't leave the house." I commanded and dived down. I heard everyone laugh as I flew down. I blasted a trap off of a dragon and it flew into the air. Hm, I just got an idea. It's probably an incredibly stupid thing to attempt but when have I ever not done something stupid.

I landed on the sand and dismounted Toothless. I put my helmet on the saddle and walked towards Drago. Yep. My idiot plan is to reason with this guy. If I do, then maybe I can get him to call off his men.

"And who's this? The great Dragon Master. Son of Stoick the Vast. What shame he must feel." Drago said. Ow. Insulting.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Simple. I want your island for my own."

"But why? So you can be feared by other islands?"

"No. It's for dominance. To rule all the islands in all directions." He said sternly.

"This isn't the way to assert your dominance."

"Oh what do you know about dominance?"

"Apparently more than you." I sassed. Probably not the best idea but hey gotta take risks right.

"I'd watch what you say there boy. You don't know what I can do." He gripped his spear. I backed up as he lifted the tip of it into the air. To my surprise, the water of the ocean started bubbling.

I was confused by this but then I realized, only one thing makes bubbles like those. He lifted the spear more, and a dark grey with red spike tip colored bewilderbeast emerged. Oh great just what we needed. It roared once it's head was out of the water. It stepped onto the land, crushing traps and people. Drago pointed the staff at Toothless, and the bewilderbeast did something. It looked like hypnosis. Toothless was pawing his face and squirming in the weirdest ways.

"Toothless?" I asked him as I inched towards him to try and calm him down. He shot straight up once I took a step towards him. His pupils were really thin slits.

Drago then pointed his staff at me. Toothless slowly turned his head and approached me. I backed away as far as I could, putting my hands in front of me. He began to charge a plasma blast, and I knew I had to snap him out of this before he fired. I out of the corner of my left eye and saw my dad running towards me.

"Wait dad no!" I shouted. There was a blast of blue. There was ice dust everywhere. I sat up and looked over to the ice debris. "DAD!" I shouted. I ran over to him and brushed all the ice off of him. I listened for a heartbeat in his chest, but there was nothing. I dropped my head down. I rested it on his arm. I felt an arm wrap around me and lay her head on my shoulder. Everyone gathered around and bowed their heads.

"Let's go. I think we're done here." Drago said. All his soldiers piled onto the ship and sailed away.

-time skip-

A/N: I highly recommend you have a box of tissues nearby.

"May the Valkyries welcome you and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla. I know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen: a warrior. A chieftain. A father. A friend." Gobber said with cracks in his voice.

I felt a lump in my throat as he handed me a bow and a single arrow. I lit the tip on fire and and shot it onto the ship. Everyone aimed and fired. I stood at the edge of the cliff and watched the ship go up into flames. I let a single tear roll down my cheek.

"I'm sorry dad. I'm not the chief you wanted my to be. The peacemaker I thought I was. And look what it did. What I did." I said into the wind. "I was so afraid of becoming like you. Mostly because I thought I never could. How could you become someone that brave? That selfless? But I guess you could only try." I turned to face everyone else.

"You're father never doubted you. When you were born, you were so small. So fragile. I never thought you would make it. But he always believed you would. He always said you would become the strongest of them all. And he was right." My mom said as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hiccup," Gobber started. "It's time." He gestured to Gothi standing behind me. I turned towards her and knelt on one knee. She rubbed charcoal on her thumb. She drew the symbol on my forehead and gestured for me to stand up. "Chief Hiccup of Berk!" Gobber shouted. Everyone cheered as I stood there. I looked around where I was for any sign of Toothless. I saw him at the edge of the cliff. I walked through the crowd and went next to him. He looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

"Hey bud. Are you okay?" He gave a low grumble and put his head in his paws. "Toothless it wasn't your fault. They made you do it. He knows that you would never do anything to hurt him. C'mon Toothless." He lifted his head and nudged me. I laughed. "There he is!" I shouted. I walked down the hill and went back to my house.

I just wanted to put this day behind me.


Yeah so I just felt my heart break for the 4th time.


Hope you guys enjoyed vote and comment if you did and I will update as soon as possible.

So I'm gonna go cry in a corner.

Peace out✌️


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