Chapter 45

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Mercy's POV

I ran through the village, passing by villagers that greeted me and smiled at me. I didn't make eye contact with any of them and ran straight to the woods. Once I hit the thick trees I slowed down and came to a light jog, until I get into the cove. I walked to the edge of the water and fell to my knees. A single tear led to three, which led to more and more.

"Mercy?" A voice asked from behind me. I knew who it was.

"Just leave me alone." I croaked. My voice was cracking and my voice was soft.

"You seemed troubled when you ran through the village. I tried saying hi but you just kept running." He said in a soft tone as he drapped a blanket on my shoulders and sat down next to me. He looked at my face. "Please don't cry." He whispered and hugged me. My head got tucked in between his head and shoulder. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"My dad and I got into a fight." I mumbled.

"I'm so sorry Mercy." He began. "This might not be a good time to say this but, I just need to say it."

"I feel the same Cody." I said without removing my head from his shoulder. I heard his heartbeat increase and pick up speed.

"You-you do?"

"Yes." He exhaled a large breath and I could feel him smile, making me smile.

Astrid's POV

"You had to yell?" I asked.

"I don't know what came over me."

"She's gone Hiccup. You saw her, she ran out the door! No one knows where she went."

"Astrid I made a mistake I know." He stated and jolted up. "I'll go out and find her."

"She won't talk to you. She really likes him, Hiccup."

"I set down a rule. Fifteen. Not ten."

"Hiccup she can handle herself." He stopped walking to the door. "You need to let her do this. She's grwoing up Hiccup. You may not like it, but this is what happens when you're a parent." I walked over and knelt down to is eyes, which were cast onto the floor. "I know you don't want to loose her, but even if she's ten or twenty-two, she'll always be you little girl. And you'll always be her daddy." A single tear rolled down his cheek as he embraced me in a hug.

"Astrid I have to apologize to her." He said woth a choked voice.

"Let her be out for the night. She has to cool off, I can find her in the morning." I felt him nod. "Go upstairs and sleep. I'll clean up the dishes and put Stoick to bed. And I'll take care of him for the night. JUst rest." He nodded and walked tothe stairs, stopped and turn around.

"Thank you Astrid. I love you so much." He said and hugged me, then walked back upstairs.

/~the next morning~\

Cody's POV

I woke up laying on the grass in the cove, with Mercy's head on my chest. I heard people talking about in which directions to look, and automatically knew it was about her.

"Mercy wake up." I whispered and shook her gently. Her eyes popped open and she jolted awake. "There are people looking for you."

"It's probably my dad. I'll be in that tree, don't tel them where I am. And make it look like you were sleeping." She said and threw the blanket on me, then ran to a nearby tree, and disappeared into the leaves. I heard the people begin to decend into the cove, so I layed down with the blanket on top of me and closed my eyes.

"Cody!" A woman shouted. I opened my eyes sleepily and looked at her. "Have you seen Mercy?"

"No I haven't. Why has something happened to her?"

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